Fattening others

Changing tastes

Any stories of how your feedees tastes have changed as they crave fattening foods now?

For me there's no bigger sense of pride than when I get home and propose a nice nourishing home cooked meal and my wife says: "Hun, I'm starving and can't wait, was actually kind of craving (fast food chain X). And that way I don't have to clean up any dishes either."

It's like "Silly me; sometimes I even forget what a piggie she's become. Of course I'll run out for you. Will even get you a little something extra since my poor girl's so hungry."

She used to "hate" fast food. So it's still a surprise now how much she craves salty, fried food and soda. And has this general mindset "you don't need to jump through all these hoops making some dinner. Let's just do something "simple" - order me my own pizza." 😲
5 years

Changing tastes

Not always fast food, but A lot of heavy food. He secretly always loved sweets and heavy foods but was embarrassed about it. Encouraging him to give into his desires and not say anything when he came into the living room with ever more ice cream at 11 pm, or watching him maybe want that second burrito just because the first tasted so good. Buying him cookbooks and with him making some of the food (along with much healthier food for me) helped solve conflicts in our relationship and allowed him to fatten up in peace. As long as I got my veg, he could have whatever cheesy thing he wanted.
I used to order an extra dish or two when we would go out, and the first moment he seemed to think, "Maybe I will peck at it", I cheered inside. That turned into devouring the whole thing and we recently took a short road trip and he ate literally the entire trip.
5 years

Changing tastes

TheWhipHand:I used to order an extra dish or two when we would go out, and the first moment he seemed to think, "Maybe I will peck at it", I cheered inside. That turned into devouring the whole thing and we recently took a short road trip and he ate literally the entire trip.

Can entirely relate to both of these! I'd order my wife an unexpected side or additional appetizer. And when she finally caved into "pecking" at it, I was thrilled inside because I knew the next time we went to that restaurant it would become part of her normal order.

The fun for me is transforming their notion of "normal." It's a slow and steady process.

We went on a short road trip with friends last weekend and she wanted to constantly stop at gas stations. I've trained her for years with running to gas stations for a snack. And it was really starting to annoy my friends. She'd ask, "you guys getting a little hungry?" And they'd all simultaneously and sternly say "No." 😠 (probably thinking, it's only been 30min since our last stop, really?)

Was so proud of her.
5 years