
Weight shot up by several pounds in a couple days but i didn't eat anywhere near that much?

This is bizarre. In the past couple days my weight shot up by about 4-5 pounds. I know I didn't eat anywhere near enough calories for that, because I count calories. Furthermore, clothes fit about the same as they did before. I even took various measurements again.

For consistency I try to weigh myself under similar conditions each time. In the mornings right after #2 (sorry if that's TMI, but that's often 0.5-1.5 lbs right there) and after coffee, but before I eat anything.

So where could the weight have come from, and where did it go? I doubt it's because the scale is broken.

The scale is digital so it won't lose calibration, and I've had it for over a decade so I know exactly how to start it up and use it.

I wonder if this will stick, assuming I continue to eat enough calories to not lose (and perhaps of course, then some).
5 years

Weight shot up by several pounds in a couple days but i didn't eat anywhere near that much?

Following up, but so far I think it may have been a little bit of water weight. The scale hasn't gone up in the past couple/few days, even went slightly down although with what I ate, that's not supposed to happen.

So perhaps I'm dropping the water weight slightly faster than any gain that may have occurred. I guess I'll have to see what happens.
5 years