
Is being a feedee or feeder mor enjoyable?

I already am both of those things .... mostly lacking opportunity to indulge .... but the desire for both is always there.
5 years

Is being a feedee or feeder mor enjoyable?

yep, mutual feeding

being made fatter ....
making her fatter ....

Oh. My.
5 years

Is being a feedee or feeder mor enjoyable?

I love the sense of accomplishment and pride as a feeder. One of my best friends is a skinny FA, married a super fat girl. I married a skinny girl as a feeder.

There's nothing better than when we hang out and him and his wife's eyes open wide taking in "look how big she is now. Great job!"

Such a sense of pride. They both appreciate "now there's a girl that's being TREATED." 👸
5 years

Is being a feedee or feeder mor enjoyable?

may i see as well, already sent you my email
5 years

Is being a feedee or feeder mor enjoyable?

I would love to be a feedee. I often get jealous of my wife pigging out on anything she wants and always dominating where we eat.

But then I see her completely out of breath from short walks, always a sweaty mess, how increasingly useless she's become around the house and how she's traded in all of her hobbies for laying on the couch and Netflix. I'm glad I'm fit; will stick with being a feeder and vicariously live the "out of control fat*ss life" through her.
5 years