Fat experiences

The real gain is when you stop noticing...

We all know there are certain signs that we are starting to gain weight. A belt goes a notch further out after a big meal, a pair of jeans fits too snug after a big meal, or a seatbelt cuts in a bit too when driving. I realized recently that all of these occasional hints and suggestions of gaining were no longer random occurrences associated with a temporary over indulgence, but rather facts of every day life that I had come to accept and think of as normal.

The feeling of being a little bit squeezed in a pair of jeans isn't because the jeans just came out of the wash anymore, its because the fat is settling in and my jeans don't fit anymore. The fat roll that spills over my seat belt isn't because I ate too much at lunch that day, it's because I ate too much every day for the last year. And when my wife puts her hand my belly and asks if I think I drink too much beer, its not because she's worried, but because she's watched her fit, athletic hubby pack on 20lbs and a beer gut in just under a year
5 years

The real gain is when you stop noticing...

Exactly. Witnessed this 100%.

A weight problem is only a problem when you think of it as a 'problem'. Once enough time has passed it is simply the new normal. It's your body. It's you. Then and there: BIG THINGS on the horizon. 📈🌅

With each added pound it becomes easier to accept that over-indulging doesn't matter any more because "nobody's going to notice at this point". Everybody saw and accepted you were a fattie long before you even accepted it!!
5 years