Submission and domination

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

Ive always thought its hot to watch a fat girl on her hands and knees, belly hanging down. I wonder if you made her do this and tracked how close her belly was to the floor. It�s seems to be particular shaming when confronted with actual numbers- weight, belly drop, arm circumference- all could be used against a woman.

All s fantasy, I�ve never been with a woman confident enough for this. I wonder if any of the female posters are confident enough in real life?

I have had a partner do these types of things to me IRL. I was incredibly 🔥🔥🔥 even tho sometimes he’d make me cry.

One time he put a pig snout on me and drove me around during the day with traffic around.

I’d say that was the awfullest most humiliating thing he’s done. He would often inspect me and jiggle me and make me wear clothes that were too small and say cruel things to me... it was wonderful.
5 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

Oh yes i love the idea of humiliating a fat girl because of how fat she is!

There are a couple different aspects that i like, although some more than others.

- First of all there's the easy one, the humiliation in the bedroom / in private. Calling her names, saying you've noticed how much she has grown, grabbing a saggy jiggly part and exclaim how much softer and bigger it feels... I've done this in a mild form in real life, and it can really spice things up.

- Secondly, there's the humiliating by others. This can be 'concerned' comments by family members at family gatherings or they can be comments or name-calling by random strangers in public. While i think that is very hot to see that happen to a fat girl, i don't really condone it because it is still non-consensual.

- Last there are these humiliating challenges and ideas that often pop up in stories. I think it's safe to say that 99% of these never get carried out in real life. Nonetheless, it's still quite hot to just THINK about specific challenges designed to humiliate them about their weight. For instance writing their weight on a tight white t-shirt and making the other wear it in public or designing some sort of eating championship in public.
5 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

My wife used to fat shame our neighbors behind their back all the time for being too obese to take care of their yards. She even called the HOA on them and complained about their weight being the cause!

And now she's a lazy fattie who can't help with the yard work or house work because her "feet hurt" and she gets "too sweaty now".

I make damn sure to point it out to her when I come in after the work and she's laying on the couch watching Netflix snacking with her gut hanging out or when she continues to handover chores to me because she's to fat to keep up.

Told her last week "I was about to call the HOA on your fat ass." 😈
5 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

I've always had this fantasy about going to a new doctor who turns out to be stunningly handsome. He's commenting about my weight and seems to disapprove of how fat I've become. But then decides to give me a stress test and begins to feed me after another. I'm getting so full and he keeps increasing the speed of the treadmill and feeds me faster.

By the end, I'm round and swollen with food. He's prodding my fat and measuring how big I'd become. He rubs my belly, pulls me onto a scale to weighs me and schedules a follow-up appointment.
5 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

I've always had this fantasy about going to a new doctor who turns out to be stunningly handsome. He's commenting about my weight and seems to disapprove of how fat I've become. But then decides to give me a stress test and begins to feed me after another. I'm getting so full and he keeps increasing the speed of the treadmill and feeds me faster.

By the end, I'm round and swollen with food. He's prodding my fat and measuring how big I'd become. He rubs my belly, pulls me onto a scale to weighs me and schedules a follow-up appointment.

Hey, Lizzy... mind if I borrow this one? It would never have crossed my mind, but it was quite, um, effective to read. Though your writing has always impressed me! 😄
5 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

this is the hottest thing I’ve ever read... if anyone wants to tease me like this my Kik is bella19669
4 years

Fat girl humiliation fantasy?

This is precisely what turns me on the most.

I'm not sure if it's because I work at a gym and I have to restrain myself from lots of things, but I'd love to tease and humiliate someone because of their lack of exercise and how far they are getting.
4 years
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