Fat experiences

Post-wedding weight gain

I'll be getting married in a few months to a fat woman who likes me fat, but isn't not quite on board with intentionally getting fatter. What can I expect to happen regarding getting fatter after the wedding?
5 years

Post-wedding weight gain

Congrats! If I'm understanding right, she doesn't want you to gain on purpose. So you need to know, what if you gain by accident?

When you two are having conversations about your long life together, for richer, for poorer, and all that ... ask her how she would feel if someday you happen to lose a lot of weight. What if you took up a really intense physical hobby and became a very thin and fit person, would she still be attracted to you?

And then ask how she would feel if you happened to gain a lot of weight. What if you got depressed, and went on a medication that caused you to gain, and that's the only way you can keep the depression at bay is to stay on a medication that causes you to weigh 400 pounds, would she still be attracted to you?

I bet she would say yes. And I bet every time you're really hungry, she won't refuse you food. And when you want a special treat and you promise it will make you very very happy if you could eat just this one thing, how could a loving fiancee or wife say no to your happiness?

When you need bigger clothes, you act just a bit ashamed and sorry that you're fatter than you ever meant to get, and you hope she can still love you at your new fatter size... Remind her that she promised to love you for thinner or for fatter, and she'll reassure you that she still loves you.
5 years

Post-wedding weight gain

If your wife likes you fat, you're probably going to get fatter and maybe much fatter: www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up
5 years

Post-wedding weight gain

Most married couples gain weight. So you can expect to put on weight. You may not even notice subtle changes in meals etc., but it will happen.
5 years

Post-wedding weight gain

You'll be eating the same meals together right? If where you're eating and what groceries you buy are making you fat, they're most likely going to make her fat.

My wife told me just because we're getting married, she's not going to gain weight. She had a crazy metabolism in her 20's. 12 years later she's a total fat ass. The lifestyle she enjoys now, she's accepted it was inevitable she was going to be fat.

Most of your friends will probably gain after marriage, too which helps. My wife feels almost no competition or pressure at this point. Most of our friends have gotten much larger than her.
5 years

Post-wedding weight gain

If you are fat now and are going to marry a fat wife there is no way the 2 of you (as long as there is no sickness) won't gain, and both of you will probably gain more than you think. I f you have kids together be prepared for some massive gains on both of you. 100% of my friends and family at least one in the couple added substantial pounds in their first years together. Even those with a running start on gaining (already fat) continued to gain. If both of you are quite fat now, know that in short order you will be even fatter, and from my observation even happier. Only rarely will one stay slim, or even get slimmer but that is usually after a health incident as in my wife's case.

100% can confirm lol

My wife is around 250 and isn’t a gainer in any sort, she just loves food and dosent mind the by product of that. She is an Italian woman too so food is a huge part of her family life. She was maybe like 220 when we met too cause she was desperately trying to impress other men who didn’t have an affinity for a large lady. At first she was apprehensive, but once she saw that I meant what I was saying to her, and how beautiful I thought she was, she accepted that she won my fat admiring heart smiley

I actually have gained significantly more than she did. I was skinny when we met and I’m not anymore lol. We do not have kids so a lot of our down time is spent either cooking, or going out on dinner dates and such...add in lazy nights of take out and delivery and such, it was really unavoidable hah.

I wouldent have it any other way smiley
4 years

Post-wedding weight gain

When I got married I was actively trying to lose weight and still gained like 50 pounds.
4 years

Post-wedding weight gain

When I got married I was actively trying to lose weight and still gained like 50 pounds.

Maybe your partner was a secret feeder smiley
4 years

Post-wedding weight gain

I’ve been married for 2 years now, and my husband and I mutually discovered /admitted that we are both turned on by my weight gain, and the pot belly I have grown as a result.
4 years

Post-wedding weight gain

Just by law of odds, there's a good chance you're going to gain weight after getting married. My wife and I have put on around 140 pounds in close to ten years of marriage and I have to say, I don't think either of us are done gaining weight. Between work and kids and stress, neither of us has the time or motivation to work out. Once in awhile she will diet for a bit, but I think the security of marriage makes her feel comfortable enough and she gains all the weight back.

For me on the other hand, there is a zero percent chance of getting back into fitness. I enjoy being fat way too much and all the good food that comes with it. I do think this decision has been made easier by having a wife who has gotten much fatter since our wedding day!
4 years