
Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

Submissive gainer (pig)

You gain because you�re a submissive person, being told what to do or where to sit is just not enough for you, you need to be dominated on a much deeper level. You need someone to control every aspect of your life, even your food intake. They can decide when, what and how much food you eat, when and where to sleep and what to wear and evidently it all will start showing on your body. Growing fatter permanently for you master�s pleasure is the ultimate form of submission and you are dedicated to that cause and you won�t stop at anything until he�s happy, even if it means that you alter your body definitely.

5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

he confident gainer (the empowered)
You’re on the side of gaining that associates being big with being powerful and having a strong presence, you love to eat big and maybe even lift big, and you surround yourself with people like you. Your big body allows you to feel empowered and has given you a confidence that you have always needed to show your true personality. When it comes to relationships you might be on the dominant side or at least you want to be the protective one rather than just fat and passive.
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

the ultimate gainer - so true
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

As a feeder, I fall in with the Fat and Proud crowd.
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

Accidental gainer (ex jock)
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

The belly Stuffer (the tank)
You love to be stuffed full more than anything in the world, there something very sexual and deeply arousing about being so full that you can’t even talk or move, that deep dull pain of your overstuffed belly is like a high for you. You are a gluttonous man who can fit much more food into his belly than the average person and you are probably very proud of that fact. You are not looking to just get fat; you’re trying to have a big ball belly that hangs in front of you like a beach ball, that’s why you try to keep it full and stuffed all time.
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

well i made the quizz and would love to post the pic here but maybe somebody tells me how that would be nice.... smiley

it says submissive piggy... hmmm.... But in contrast to that i think of myself more of a dom just giving into the wishes of a cute sexy feedress just for a while and then turn the tables on her and play her like an orchestra until she is easily fattened up by me and i can tease her nicely underestimating me for a soft blondie with now power to resist her charms.... well equally sexy would be to be surprised in a good very sexy and addictive lovely way by a woman or girl over 18!!!! by experiencing a wonderful relationship with lots of love and snuggling in the beginning until we k ow each other so well that we have fun pushing each others sexy senses so expertly that we even try out some weirder Fantasies with weight gain and games for having control over the other partner even to a point where you would be able to wrestle with me for fun and after a very fattening lazy week or more.... can t remember after all your let s drink vodka evenings......
you making me chase you the whole week for fun or making me chase you and do so many weird exercises with you that the next day i have so much muscle pain that You take the chance and wrestle for some very sexy fantasie to live out and can even order his wife or the wife her husband me please smiley if such a girl exist please lets have an interesting deep conversation someday soon
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

accidental gainer

hi and a nice evening or morning maybe i wish us all the world and all that exists and is supporting love life and freedom an very wonderful Future may we all be as magnificent for the surplus and good for us all as we can be in our best and most human possible good and righteous loving way to find or feel or realize the great Opportunity we have on this Planet if we all try to understand more of each other and realize that we all share love family nature yes even technologie and the goal to live in a better tomorrow.
Lets be smart this once All together lets be like we can at parties where sometimes you can feel the magic of a moment.... good criend together after a long ttime meeting the girl of your life or just meeting nice interesting new ppl and have a great day I would love to see and feel us becoming the great shining or drinking or if nescessary friends to ourself and feel the connection we have and try to live in a way we do no further harm to Freedom, Nature and all the things makings us happy and wise enough to stay child forever if we can afford to be again like we started..... free in mind and soul to enjoy life cause fekt innocent and loved.... and I think we have the first duty to make a good and unharmed childhood possible for every child in our universe.
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

I got Ultimate Gainer
5 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

Social gainer
5 years
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