Fat experiences

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

i realized I wanted to be fat when i was little like a year or 14 around that time my uncle weight like 200kg / 440lbs and always loved fatter / cubby Girls but never had one so i started Gaining
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I�ve known ever since I was a little kid, I would stuff pillows under my dress and fantasize about being force fed. I think it has much to do with my mom being very restrictive of my diet, she never let me eat candy or junk food as a kid or teenager.

Yeah I had a similar experience and have fantasised about being fat and force fed for as long as I can remember. It was something i was very ashamed of as a kid which is where i think the force feeding fantasy came into it, to deter shame by having someone else do it to me 'against my will' ~ sure.. Hahaha also my parents were very restrictive with what I ate and made junk food a reeeaaally special treat
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

For me it was that I was always the small, scrawny kid and for the longest time wondered what it would be like to become the biggest one instead. While figuring out what I was into per se was only into the feeder aspect and eventually made its way to a bit of A and bit of B so to speak.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I found a couple of things. I was always attracted to larger girls and fantasized about getting fatter myself. I found that as time passed and I got older my desires increased to fatter and fatter women and with being fattened larger and larger myself.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I had a fascination with bigger people as a young kid, courtesy of cartoons where characters gained weight, and the blueberry scene in Willy Wonka. Grew into a preference for bigger girls when I got older and into puberty, and eventually turned to myself as well.

I've hit gaining kicks a few times over the past 4 years, and so far I'm 20 pounds higher than when I graduated high school.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

Puberty. I padded and only could get aroused by thinking of someone getting very, very fat. I still pad sometimes just for fun.

Though I've gained enough weight that I don't really need to pad anymore.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I remember being very young and I would get secretly excited every time certain cartoons would get fat in different episodes or movies. I still remember which ones haha.

I also would try on my clothes that I had naturally outgrown and stuff pillows in them to feel fatter.

Mainly I remember having a fantasy that I would be abducted by aliens and force fed until I was huge for their scientific purposes or to be eaten (although I'm not into vore as an adult).

I was also usually attracted to the chubbier boys in school.

I think it stemmed from me being overweight during childhood and feeling like I had to normalize it or make it positive to stop feeling bad about it. I felt like people were also judgemental if you had crushes on fat boys.

I ended up having an eating disorder around 10 or 11 and again in high school, which I still struggle with the psychological effects of that at times, but it helped me immensely to find other like minded people online who confirmed that I was never crazy haha

A chubby girl who lost it all and is now married and intentionally gaining it back. Without a doubt that is the hottest thing I've heard in years.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I�ve known ever since I was a little kid, I would stuff pillows under my dress and fantasize about being force fed. I think it has much to do with my mom being very restrictive of my diet, she never let me eat candy or junk food as a kid or teenager.

Yeah I had a similar experience and have fantasised about being fat and force fed for as long as I can remember. It was something i was very ashamed of as a kid which is where i think the force feeding fantasy came into it, to deter shame by having someone else do it to me 'against my will' ~ sure.. Hahaha also my parents were very restrictive with what I ate and made junk food a reeeaaally special treat

i think half the stories I write have some aspect of that in them. I wonder sometimes if the reason feedism has so many bdsm undertones is only because it is so tabooed, messing with sex and food and control and acceptance all at once. Crazy powerful.

btw, extremely sexy
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I had completely forgotten until reading this thread that I also used to stuff pillows up my nightdress, in secret, when I was perhaps around six or seven years old. I also had a really healthy diet growing up, with next to no junk food. No need for pillows now though - my massive gut takes care of that.

I remember doing the same thing with pillows and bedsheets. I would also stand on the bathroom scale and then weigh myself holding big bottles of bleach (or whatever was heaviest under the bathroom sink )to watch the number on the scale go up.

I have known at least five women who are Feedees that all did the padding. I think the scale thing is new but certainly a trait of someone who wants to be Fat.

I wanted to point out that you have many great qualities as a wonderful member of FF.You contribute pictures and write wonderful well written posts on the forum and shouts.I hope you'll be back someday.Hoping that one comment on your filter picture isn't the reason. The comment was inaccurate as well as just plain rude.It was flagged and taken down. If other "life happens " reasons are the cause it is something that happens quite often in this world of ours.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

This dates back to when I was a kid. I remember before going to sleep, as I lay in bed, I would stuff pillows underneath my covers to make it look like I had gained a lot of weight. I started googling fat versions of my favorite characters from the video games I played. The idea of being big always interested me.

High school was when I fully immersed myself in the WG community on DeviantArt. And now after graduating and turning 18, I made an account on this site to see what happens! Still not 100% sure if I want to pursue weight gain, but maybe all I need is a bit of encouragement to set the ball rolling? Who knows?
5 years
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