Extreme obesity

So obesity is linked to cancer?

Yah, some of that is likely diet, some may be hormonal, some is just that the more your body works the more likely cancer is and fat bodies take more work.

We all know that being fat is apt to bring on health issues at a younger age. This is basically a subset of that. (People joke about being so fat that they suddenly die of a heart attack, but generally being fat takes away healthy years more than absolute years, there is apt to be more years of dealing with health issues if you are fat)
5 years

So obesity is linked to cancer?

Even more encouragement to get fatter faster and go for a heart attack
5 years

So obesity is linked to cancer?

4 cancers have been linked to obesity more than smoking, and correlative not necessarily causal [this is not a multi varied analysis but rather just a general observance on larger health datasets. To play devil's advocate, obesity is correlative with poverty in the US and Europe which is also correlative to most cancers, but when studied being rich and obese does not have a recognisable effect on the likely hood of the same cancers occuring]

There are 10s of cancers linked to being underweight, the same to being an urban dweller etc.

This sort of journalism is ultimately trying to encourage healthy diet and moderate exercise through shock and scare headlines.

Personally I don't believe in the medium to long term this has a positive effect on society but it is attention grabbing.

If you want to be fat and live long and not be a hindrance to a public health care system, do it cautiously and keep up exercise and watch your salt and sugar intake and if you're susceptible: your cholesterol.
5 years

So obesity is linked to cancer?

Bring me another donut 😊
5 years