I had completely forgotten until reading this thread that I also used to stuff pillows up my nightdress, in secret, when I was perhaps around six or seven years old. I also had a really healthy diet growing up, with next to no junk food. No need for pillows now though - my massive gut takes care of that.
I remember doing the same thing with pillows and bedsheets. I would also stand on the bathroom scale and then weigh myself holding big bottles of bleach (or whatever was heaviest under the bathroom sink )to watch the number on the scale go up.
I have known at least five women who are Feedees that all did the padding. I think the scale thing is new but certainly a trait of someone who wants to be Fat.
I wanted to point out that you have many great qualities as a wonderful member of FF.You contribute pictures and write wonderful well written posts on the forum and shouts.I hope you'll be back someday.Hoping that one comment on your filter picture isn't the reason. The comment was inaccurate as well as just plain rude.It was flagged and taken down. If other "life happens " reasons are the cause it is something that happens quite often in this world of ours.