Fat experiences

Golden corral

This happened about a year ago: my ex who was abt 500 pounds at this point and I went to Golden Corral for their unlimited wings and Smokey barbecue for the wing wensday special they had. So we unload I help get her in her scooter and we head in.once we sit down I loaded her plate with 20 wings as a start and got her favorite Dr Pepper. As time went by and she finished I got her another plate of wings and a plate of brisket. In total she finished both meals in about an hour. At this point some people began starring mostly because of her size and the amount of food she ate. We were also the only couple there as it was mainly families. So after she finished she said she wanted something sweet but she didn�t want the chocolate wonderfall (you know why) so we both started to think because we wanted to get the best bang for our buck. So we realized we could pour the heavy cream into her cup and she could drink it. No one said anything as she put down a liter of heavy cream and we left. We kept some more cream in a thermos for the next morning. I gotta tell you that was the best buffet night ever. Just goes to show a buffet is a fat persons best friend

5 years

Golden corral

I grew up working the buffet at a Ponderosa and a Golden Corral. The stuff I witnessed daily blew my mind. I took out a pan of garlic bread to the buffet and a lady stopped me and put the entire pan on her plate. No joke, 12 pieces of garlic bread.

Fatties would line up and stand at the buffet 5-10 min for the next batch of fried chicken wings, angrily staring down your every move around the fryer and would then fight over them like animals when you dumped them. It was so hard not to look at the buffet as a trough.

After their giant meals, you'd see women take 3-4 trips to the ice cream machine. There would be some tables during the lunch shift that would stay 2-3 hrs, endlessly eating.
5 years

Golden corral

Not golden coral but a (possibly) local place called whistle Junction, my grand-uncle and aunt (my grandma's sister and her husband) celebrated their 50th anniversary (this was about 02-03) at this place, grand uncle somehow pulled strings and had the whole place rented out for a party of about 30.

Now all me and my family knew about this place was that it was a BBQ buffet and my aunt and uncle were talking about this place and how great it is, ect, ect.

Cue the day, we all get seated in party room place (despite the 30 of us being the only ones in there) we take seats, a few people give a few quick speeches, then we all go to eat.

The food was fucking terrible, there was fish stuck to the trays, chicken uncooked, steak hard as a rock, salad bar looked like it should of been thrown out, dressings were curdled(? Might be the word I'm looking for).

It was one of the absolute worst restaurant experiences I had ever experienced, after everyone did a loop around the place trying to find anything edible someone's kid finally found something. The fucking ice cream machine, so all 30 of us guest ate nothing but ice cream, my aunt and uncle being the only ones to eat anything else and thought we were all crazy for not wanting to touch the "wonderful " food.

At the end me, mom, dad, brother all left, leaving no tip (found out later we were not the only ones, as my uncle was basically the only person to tip, and apparently it was only like $6-$7) due to the lack of anything edible, and the servers being pretty rude the whole 2-3 ish hours it lasted.

Anyway we leave and dad calls up this huge pizza order from a local place just to make up for the lack of food
5 years