
Consuming butter

Not advocating for butter, but much of the "wisdom" of it being bad for you has been disproven.

Eating butter or drinking cream will not increase your cholesterol for example, but eating sugar can for example.

I certainly wouldn't eat a stick of butter plain, but there are worse things!
5 years

Consuming butter

It's far more healthy than sugar. Sometimes I cringe seeing how excessive some members here are in stuffing with sugar/chugging entire 2L's of soda. Diabetes is no joke.

I live in a neighborhood that's predominantly Indian. They use clarified butter (Ghee) in EVERYTHING. And then combine it with carbs (rice, breads). And the wives are all ridiculously obese. Little butterballs walking around everywhere lol.
5 years

Consuming butter

It's far more healthy than sugar. Sometimes I cringe seeing how heavy some posters here are in stuffing with sugar/chugging entire 2L of soda. Diabetes is no joke.

I live in a neighborhood that's predominantly Indian. They use clarified butter (Ghee) in EVERYTHING. And then combine it with carbs (rice, breads). And the wives are all ridiculously obese. Little butterballs walking around everywhere lol.

I have a jar of Ghee, but what to do with it?

What foods do Indians use to get fat, reciepe? I'm not familiar with it.
5 years

Consuming butter

I have a jar of Ghee, but what to do with it?

What foods do Indians use to get fat, reciepe? I'm not familiar with it.

Most Indian food, in layman's terms, are stews with butter (ghee) as a base that make a buttery gravy that's then put over rice or used to dip flatbread (naan) in. Even the flatbread is brushed in garlic butter to make some version of garlic bread.

Because white rice and white breads spike insulin, they efficiently pack on all of the heavy fats of the ghee onto the body. It's such a fattening diet.

Being your MERIKAN 🇺🇸, you should start with the most popular Indian dish in the states: good ol' Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani). Not spicy at all nor has any intense indian spices. Very accessible for anyone and soooooo fattening, especially if you up the levels of ghee.
5 years

Consuming butter

I have a jar of Ghee, but what to do with it?

What foods do Indians use to get fat, reciepe? I'm not familiar with it.

Most Indian food, in layman's terms, are stews with butter (ghee) as a base that make a buttery gravy that's then put over rice or used to dip flatbread (naan) in. Even the flatbread is brushed in garlic butter to make some version of garlic bread.

Because white rice and white breads spike insulin, they efficiently pack on all of the heavy fats of the ghee onto the body. It's such a fattening diet.

Being your MERIKAN 🇺🇸, you should start with the most popular Indian dish in the states: good ol' Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani). Not spicy at all nor has any intense indian spices. Very accessible for anyone and soooooo fattening, especially if you up the levels of ghee.

Thanks, now I need to learn how to make it, or find a local indian place.
Ghee is full of saturated fat, correct?
So maybe it's not the best for gaining compared to other fatteners?
5 years

Consuming butter

Because white rice and white breads spike insulin, they efficiently pack on all of the heavy fats of the ghee onto the body. It's such a fattening diet.

The body doesn't actually need an insulin response to store dietary fat. I can show you a relevant study if you want.

Ghee is full of saturated fat, correct?
So maybe it's not the best for gaining compared to other fatteners?

What's wrong with saturated fat?

Saturated fats (I thought), was the bad fat that clog arturies, that lead to a shortened life and death.
5 years

Consuming butter

The body doesn't actually need an insulin response to store dietary fat. I can show you a relevant study if you want.

I realize that. But the amount the body can pack on with an insulin spike is considerably more. The ingested fat is only in the blood stream for a finite window of time. Insulin triggers the fat cells to open up and store more during that window.

Your body doesn't need an insulin spike to accept protein. But bodybuilders that shoot insulin before their post-workout meal store an astronomical more amount of protein into their muscle cells and get unnaturally massive.
5 years