Fattening others

Watch a family member get fat?

My cousin slowly gained at least 100lbs over the course of several years. I had been the lone fatty for a bit and I truly appreciated having someone else be the topic of discussion when it came to weight and weight gain.

Omg that's huge (especially for a non-gainer-person). That does sound like it must have made life easier for you though smiley
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

No family members that I know, but a lot of my old high school friends have. It�s pretty fun to watch them blow up without seeming to notice. The majority are in total denial and do nothing to stop or even slow it down.

Haha oh no! That is like honestly kind of hot in a way, though. Boys will be boys lol
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

Ohyesyoucan 4 mins
boys will be boys

Is an amusing take on weakness and indulgence... is that an area of fascination and enjoyment for you? The lack of self control that is?

I guess so...the guys I know at least tend to be pretty bad at that haha. Not that I am complaining smiley
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

I’m horrible with my self control and really have started to pile on the weight. Not nearly as bad as my distant cousin. He used to be a personal trainer but he started to pack away the weight and now he’s gigantic. He has this huge beer belly that sticks out and a waddle. I’m probably headed the same direction though.
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

I�m horrible with my self control and really have started to pile on the weight. Not nearly as bad as my distant cousin. He used to be a personal trainer but he started to pack away the weight and now he�s gigantic. He has this huge beer belly that sticks out and a waddle. I�m probably headed the same direction though.

Oh my gosh, only in America lol
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

I've mentioned it before, but we witnessed my wife's young sister absolutely blow up from a thicker sized teen to now well over 325lbs over 5-7 years.

My wife would make comments that she doesn't know how her sister could get that big (she was the only obese member of the family)

And now my wife has piled on over 100lbs and is quickly catching up to her. Great to see them together at the family BBQ's, spilling out of their chairs; like they were both meant to become happy hogs. 🐖

I've always wondered what my father-in-law thinks about his two daughters becoming porkers. Everyone else is lean and into fitness.
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

Bicepsual, nice that the sisters have each other for support these days smiley


In my family I have an uncle who has packed on at least fifty pounds a few times, then eventually lost it (at his thinnest he is still chunky, lrobably medically obese) . I think if my aunt waa more accepting of fat he'd have naturally become pretty big. I certainly remember the first time seeing him fat when I was a kid, being shocked and pleased (I was already into fat, but in a fat phobic family)
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?


*shuts door in his face, wipes hands*

Now let's continue with the thread
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?


*shuts door in his face, wipes hands*

Now let's continue with the thread

**reopens the door with the cops alongside...**

Who are you??
5 years

Watch a family member get fat?

Who are you??

I'm Batman.

Why so serious?
5 years
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