Extreme obesity

Reckless gaining

This sounds dangerous and unbelievably sexy. I could absolutely see myself losing all self control

Then you MIGHT be a death feedist
5 years

Reckless gaining

I would love to find someone for us both to gain together. Love since I started my gain tho, I stopped caring about if I'm eating unhealthy and o much,
5 years

Reckless gaining

Abandoning yourself to gaining is the most fantastic thing you can do. Every instinct tells you to ber careful but there is a great sense of liberation when you give in to your life-long onsession. I find that now I am morbidly obese I enjoy everything about, even if that sounds somewhat perverse.

I like the fact that, except on the internet, I find it difficult to buy clothes that fit me. I like the fact that people prejudge me when I first meet them. I enjoy having to make calculations all the time: can I fit in that seat, can I get into that car,... I find pleasure even in the ways obesity restricts what I can do: can I pick that up, can I walk that far, why am I always hot, why am I always out of breath, why am I always ravenously hungry...

So much yes for this. 😄
5 years

Reckless gaining

My wife had a recent doctor visit and her doctor brought up her weight and how she should alter her diet and how much she eats.

My wife came home pissed, swearing how she should find another doctor and how she's not changing anything and the happiness of life would be sucked out if she couldn't have the foods she loves.

It was all so hot and stunning because I remember years ago when she would talk shit about obese women and how they could let that happen in light of the health consequences.
5 years

Reckless gaining

It was all so hot and stunning because I remember years ago when she would talk shit about obese women and how they could let that happen in light of the health consequences.

I've learned numerous times over life that things can ALWAYS change if the right events happen. I've seen best friends become bitter enemies and bitter enemies become best friends. I've had people that I thought would be in my life forever, drift away despite my efforts to maintain it. I know girls that are happily married to guy they originally couldn't stand LOL. I've seen people change political affiliations and other things that at one point would not have even been imaginable. I find it quite fascinating how people can do a 180 over time, if conditions are right.
5 years

Reckless gaining

I've learned numerous times over life that things can ALWAYS change if the right events happen. I've seen best friends become bitter enemies and bitter enemies become best friends. I've had people that I thought would be in my life forever, drift away despite my efforts to maintain it. I know girls that are happily married to guy they originally couldn't stand LOL. I've seen people change political affiliations and other things that at one point would not have even been imaginable. I find it quite fascinating how people can do a 180 over time, if conditions are right.

That's been the kinkiest part of it all for me as my wife has gained. She wasn't a couch potato, TV watcher, soda drinker, snacker. But the way that the habits mutually feed one another in a downward spiral is interesting to see how she's transformed and has an excuse/reason for doubling down on each fattening habit.

And the heavier she gets the more reasons for acquiring more sedentary, lazy, fattening habits – habits she used to be confused and disgusted at how others could embrace. So it's such a turn on to hear her amazing mental gymnastics why it's totally fine that she's become a lazy, greedy, fattie.
5 years

Reckless gaining

I bet it is!!
I’m very happy for you and for her. ?
5 years
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