
Type 2 diabetics experiences

Watch your sugar intake, take your medicine.
5 years

Type 2 diabetics experiences

That sucks. Type II is basically your body's insulin receptors kind of getting tired and not doing their job. You'll get tired more easily because your body's not using energy correctly.
If you don't keep your sugars under control, it can make you ravenously hungry, but is really bad for you in the long run if you give into that, since you'd be worsening your insulin resistance, which will cause very unsavory results down the road.
Depending on how high your sugars are, the doctor would either put you on metformin (for lower numbers) or insulin for higher numbers. However, usually insulin is for years later when your pancreas pretty much gives us producing insulin, since it's been working overtime to make more than enough (since you're insulin resistant the body wants to compensate by making more).
If you love your future body, you'll get this under control. I'm not a dr., but cinnamon, about 2000 mg in the morning and 2000 mg in the evening will help. Diabetes is inflammatory, so you'll want to either take fish oil pills or krill. Have your vitamin D tested, too, as a lot of new diabetics have low readings on this. If so, take D3.
Start exercising, since diabetes negatively affects circulation.
Lastly, there is talk that it might be reversible if caught early (before your pancreas goes on permanent vacation). However, I've yet to meet anyone that's been able to do that. The best you might be able to do is arrest its progression.
Best wishes.

you are right. that happens a lot when the patient is relatively Young, Like under 65. it can be reversed in 6 months without pills, but the person must be willing to change his lifestyle: walk at least 50min per day morning and evening. take small meals. dont drink beer although one single Glass of Red Wine could be beneficial. dont mix different foods within the same meal (Like proteins and carbs). apart from sugar, carbs and big meals should be avoided bc they put a lot of work on the pancreas. dont eat after 8pm bc you need time to burn calories. add fibers to every meal. that is why spinach is good for you. drink a lot of water.

BUT most importantly:

try to stay calm bc anger and ansiety are not good for you as they raise your blood sugar level;

dont Blame yourself. the past is the past. the future is now.

Some people consider bariatric surgery to reverse diabetes but I would try the natural way first
5 years

Type 2 diabetics experiences

I had prediabetes, meaning I was nearly there, on my way actually. The doctor said I had the perfect diabetic’s belly, rounded and jiggly with visceral fat.

You are young. You can reverse this. Walking is the best thing you can do. I also put cinnamon in my coffee and tea each day. And the Vit D3 is important.

You can still be lovely and fat, and enjoy your foods. Adding some more veggies. Dark chocolate, even bitter chocolate is good for you.

We want you here for a long time. Take a walk right now.
5 years