
Does smoking weed make you eat more?

So I've finally found a feeder & had my first stuffing session. I managed 2 pizzas and some desserts. But I want to eat more than that. Ive never smoked weed before but I heard it'll make you really hungry & eat like crazy.. If thats the case, Im thinking of trying it so I can eat more. Thoughts, opinions? Experiences?
7 years

Does smoking weed make you eat more?

Give it a try. If it works, and I think it will, you'll both be thrilled with the results.
7 years

Does smoking weed make you eat more?

The munchies are real. It's as if my stomach becomes a bottomless pig when I'm high. It's also easier to ignore the feeling of being full. I'm so distracted by the taste/smell/texture of the food I'm eating that I don't even realize I'm starting to get way too full.
7 years

Does smoking weed make you eat more?

Weed is a semi painkiller. If you smoke a bowl or joint before eating, you will most likely be able to fit more food inside of yourself, just because you can ignore the signals coming from a full stomach. I always smoke before eating a large amount.
6 years

Does smoking weed make you eat more?

One of my favorite things to do is smoke up my wife, take her to an Indian buffet and just watch her go!

Once she's painfully stuffed: "Come on, this was $16, gotta get your money's worth. One more plate". 😈
5 years