Fattening others

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I was a feeder. Then my ex started feeding me because i was too skinny. Now, after we broke up, the feel about "stuffing and fatter the better" becomes so strong
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

It's easier lol

It's easier to be your own Feeder than try and get someone else to get fat.

When you want a job done properly do it yourself. (Note: that does not apply to haircuts but may apply to minor surgery)
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

Feedees are rare at times. Sometimes the urge to see someone gain is stronger than the urge to see someone else gain.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I've found this to be very true. But when the feedee is also a fat lover, the urge is particulariy strong.

"Feedees are rare at times. Sometimes the urge to see someone gain is stronger than the urge to see someone else gain."
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I myself couldn’t find anyone to feed. Being a fat admirer I tried feeding myself and here I am over 100 pounds heavier 🤷‍♂️
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

While I have never been in a feeder/feedee relaltionship, I consider myself open to both. I have always loved fat women for as long as I can remember and in my mid-30's decided to become a self-feeder in a sense by eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I found that I really enjoyed gaining weight and after putting on 130 lbs. and reaching 305 I have leveled off at 280 and really still enjoy self-feeding and being a BHM.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

One factor is the lack of being able to find someone who is actually into this, and not much reason to think I ever will.

But another is well... when I see how much fun some have with overeating and gaining weight, I wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end.

I also wanted to expand my knowledge on how to develop a more fattening diet, which would perhaps help me be more effective in making others fatter and heavier.

I don't really know how far I want to go with this, but I've gained a new appreciation for food that I didn't have before. I look forward to meals more than I used to. I'm slightly hungrier and crave fattier food, and when you're hungry, food in general tastes even better.

Now I kind of want to gain more, which will hopefully mean I will be hungrier so I can eat and taste even more food. Sometimes, I even feel sad when I start to feel full, because then it means I can't keep enjoying the taste.

To be clear, I still want a BBW or a chubby woman, or someone who wants to be, the same as before. But now I sometimes have dreams where we may feed one another, or have eating contests. Perhaps, we can share in the joy.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

For me as as an enabler it’s simply a case of having to eat along, or at least get her going. So I’ve definitely gone up in weight. And then now when I look I think "well....that’s not bad.....I could see myself following her along" smiley
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

For me as as an enabler it’s simply a case of having to eat along, or at least get her going. So I’ve definitely gone up in weight. And then now when I look I think "well....that’s not bad.....I could see myself following her along" smiley

Based on the theory where if you eat a lot, others around you will eat more too? That sometimes works.

If everyone has a huge piece of cake, it will seem normal for you to have one too.

That's another reason why I may like to gain more. So I can eat a lot more and indirectly get her to eat more too.

There's also the fact, or at least I've observed this, that in most couples where the woman is heavy, the man is usually heavy too. It will be easier to start a relationship with a fat woman or watch her gain weight if you are heavy.

Of course, even if the man is the lighter one, just being around all that delicious, yummy, and fattening food, you're gonna end up snacking and eating some.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

It's difficult to maintain two totally different lifestyles with your SO when you live with them.

I'm fit and very active, but my wife constantly puts pressure on me to spend time with her watching Netflix and snacking on the couch or going out to the fattening restaurants she likes.

It's inevitably hard to keep the line drawn in the sand to constantly keep your feedee growing while you abstain.
5 years
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