Fattening others

Got wife to (most probably) forego weight loss surgery

I've won smiley

While we were eating we discussed how we feel about our bodies. When it came to her I asked "now that you feel you fit better in your clothes is that weight loss surgery still on the table?" and she said "I don't think so"

Of course the real win will have to come once the papers come in, and she has to make her final decision, but so far I've moved her from "I'm getting surgery" to "I'm not sure" to "I don't think so"

The coming weeks and months I'll regularly get back to this to reinforce her answer in her own mind.

So it looks like I have a nice fat wife who's used to having her fat rolls squeezed and her belly caressed who's going to stay big all her life, possibly eventually a bit bigger.

The internalization of being fat and adorable is ongoing. Today she put on a summer dress that's kind of tight around the belly; it really shows her fatness instead of those tent-like clothes many big women wear. She said "this is about as tight as I can wear a dress." Naturally I rewarded her with a lot of compliments; "that dress really looks good on you and I love how it shows your body"

And while I haven't made a direct comment yet I've been caressing her double chin these past 2 days. Just caressing her face, running my hand over her cheeks, and then going under her chin and running my hand over her fat-flabby double chin. "You're beautiful." She's made no counter comments and hasn't complained about being touched this way. My goal is to make this a verbal thing too - "I love your double chin" or "your neck is gorgeous" - so that that's another piece of her fat body she feels a bit bad about where she has to accept compliments until she herself can't distinguish anymore whether she finds it bad or not.

I'm leaving her free in her food choices at the moment. Yesterday evening that resulted in her asking for some pastry I had brought for her (6 portions, of course, instead of 1). She had refused it in the morning. Then for a sandwich. Today she finished her supper, then asked for another pastry, then for a bowl of cereal. Food-wise the goal is to have her feel comfortable, to have the impression she isn't eating herself fat. At minimum she maintains; her body's setpoint has definitely gone up and this is her new normal weight. Of course now the wait is for when she asks for a huge portion of junk food or a big amount of snacks smiley

The transformation is very satisfying. From self-criticizing fatty to successful weight loss, fed back to the upper range of Class I obesity but this time with a larger amount of acceptance. When she's out in public view it's not like a woman with a belly; she's fat. Big neck, very fat double chin now, round fatty face, real big extending belly with overhang, huge upper arms, fat starting to form around the wrists. Good heavy breasts. The only thing that looks regular are her legs; no gains are going into her legs so far. They're a bit thicker than before but nothing massive, nothing fat.
5 years

Got wife to (most probably) forego weight loss surgery

WLS is very bad, and I have known so many people who have died from it. I never discourage my wife from dieting, but I would do everything in my power to talk her out of WLS. Also remember that WLS people regain the weight, so stopping someone from having WLS does not make them any smaller.
5 years

Got wife to (most probably) forego weight loss surgery

I appreciate the concern for her well being. No, I don’t force her. Yes she has lost a lot of weight herself before. No, she didn’t keep it off. Yes I told her I don’t want to be the food police especially as I like her with more meat on her. No she doesn’t like gaining. No she doesn’t change her eating pattern. No she doesn’t exercise. Yes I enable her.

I agree @johnxyz that WLS isn’t a good thing. Mortality has gone down but especially with stomach bypass nutrient problems remain and in some cases the weight loss doesn’t plateau at the desired weight but keeps going down
5 years