Fat experiences

Eating more and more

I know I did this to myself I wanted to be fat but lately I find that I am eating more and more even when I am not hungry is this normal now that I am big
5 years

Eating more and more

Getting chubby:
I know I did this to myself I wanted to be fat but lately I find that I am eating more and more even when I am not hungry is this normal now that I am big

I think it is normal to indeed crave not only more food, but fattier food as well. You may even find yourself dreaming about the next meal, if you haven't already.
5 years

Eating more and more

Yes. once you start, it's next to impossible to stop.
5 years

Eating more and more

same, i used to have trouble eating more than like 800 calories a day, eating was a chore to me then.

now my daily calorie goal is about 2,100 and i consistently beat it by 500-1000 calories without really trying.

my metabolism was really fast and now it seems to be slowing down and my roughly 3000 daily calories are clinging to my belly and thighs.

feels good, just embrace and give in to what your hungry gluttonous tummy wants and keep growing fatter.
5 years

Eating more and more

what once was a massive amount to eat when I was thin is now a normal meal like to lose 25 lbs but at time feel like giving up and just continue to gain
5 years

Eating more and more

Getting chubby:
I know I did this to myself I wanted to be fat but lately I find that I am eating more and more even when I am not hungry is this normal now that I am big

I understand this! I’m at a point where I was 140 pounds two years ago and 150 last year. I’m almost pushing 170. As my weight gets closer to 200 than 100 I start to get a little anxious about it. I’m consuming 3500 cal a day compared to 1800 which is what I’m supposed to have and I’m not really even trying some days it seems like it would be incredibly difficult to find ways to keep my self satisfied at only 1800 cal which is honestly what my fitness app says I’m supposed to consume to maintain my weight so apparently I am entitled to less than that if I want to shed any of these pounds

At first I had force fed myself to gain the weight and then I started to eat junk food and as I gained I found that I was beginning to like junk food I know that I could never go back to consuming the calories that I had when I was thin also found that the weight come on easier now almost without trying

I do like being fat and now prefer it to being thin
5 years

Eating more and more

Is a qtr pounder, big Mac, 20pc McNuggets, mcDouble and fries, large pop and 2 sm Carmel frappes alot for dinner? I actually ate lunch today too...

This is a slight challenge for me I'm full but will soon reheat mcDouble and last few nuggets b4 finishing drinks. Plus heavy cream in frappes,

I know a dbl qtr pounder meal w/ extra mc chicken or 6pc and drinks used to fill me up. Nowadays that's more than a snack but not enough to fully satisfy, or count as dinner anymore.
5 years

Eating more and more

I have sometimes wondered at which point you won't have to try and make yourself eat more, but instead your appetite has increased to the point where you have almost got to keep eating, and extra pounds come on very easily.

Can you even anticipate it, or do you just realize it one day, after that already happens?
5 years

Eating more and more

Getting chubby:
I know I did this to myself I wanted to be fat but lately I find that I am eating more and more even when I am not hungry is this normal now that I am big

I understand this! I’m at a point where I was 140 pounds two years ago and 150 last year. I’m almost pushing 170. As my weight gets closer to 200 than 100 I start to get a little anxious about it. I’m consuming 3500 cal a day compared to 1800 which is what I’m supposed to have and I’m not really even trying some days it seems like it would be incredibly difficult to find ways to keep my self satisfied at only 1800 cal which is honestly what my fitness app says I’m supposed to consume to maintain my weight so apparently I am entitled to less than that if I want to shed any of these pounds

Getting chubby:
At first I had force fed myself to gain the weight and then I started to eat junk food and as I gained I found that I was beginning to like junk food I know that I could never go back to consuming the calories that I had when I was thin also found that the weight come on easier now almost without trying

All I have to do is smoke a bong and suddenly it’s like I have a brand new appetite no matter how much food or beverage is in my stomach
(`・Θ・´) sometimes I force myself to finish the snacks I know I didn’t need because I don’t want to be a wasteful little piggy. So I might be in that stage of fattens

I don't smoke, but I have wondered if there was a particular variety of weed that brings on the munchies more than other types? Does it make a difference smoking rolled, with a bong vs. eating it?- i.e. baked into even more fattening brownies or cookies? I am not morally opposed to marijuana use, but I am allergic to smoke.
5 years