
Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

I've weighed in the low 130s all my adult life. I couldn't gain no matter how much I ate.

A few months ago I committed to heavy cream to reach my goal weight of 140. Reaching that goal was super exciting since I've never been out of the 130s. I decided 140 wasn't enough and to try to reach 150.

Well here at am now at 150! I'm loving my new pudge, but gaining 20 pounds of fat hasn't really been as drastic as I thought it would be. I can still see my abs and I can't really grab my fat, only feel some softness.

I've increased my goal to 160, but I'm afraid it won't be enough and that I'll increase my goal again once I hit 160. Will this chain ever end?
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

I've weighed in the low 130s all my adult life. I couldn't gain no matter how much I ate.

A few months ago I committed to heavy cream to reach my goal weight of 140. Reaching that goal was super exciting since I've never been out of the 130s. I decided 140 wasn't enough and to try to reach 150.

Well here at am now at 150! I'm loving my new pudge, but gaining 20 pounds of fat hasn't really been as drastic as I thought it would be. I can still see my abs and I can't really grab my fat, only feel some softness.

I've increased my goal to 160, but I'm afraid it won't be enough and that I'll increase my goal again once I hit 160. Will this chain ever end?

Maybe it's because you're very tall for that weight.

The chain may, or may not end. Probably will at some point, but when it ends depends on you.

I've kind of noticed that, too. Went from 125 to 130, thought it was nice but it didn't seem like enough, so I wanted to be 140. Reached 140 which was also nice, but it didn't seem like enough, so I thought 150 may be good. Now, I'm 150. I like the additional thickness on my limbs, and seem to developed a starter belly. This all took place over about a year.

As nice as it feels, I think I'd like to be even heavier. Another 20 lbs would mean I will become overweight, if I go that far.
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

when i was 110 pounds, my goal was 130

now i’m 130 and even tho i’m definitely seeing the pudge it’s still not really enough, i’m kinda bony in some spots still so my goal now is 150

i have a feeling i’m gonna want to be 200
then if i’ve done this well enough, i’ll be too addicted to food to stop... almost fun to think about being weak and out of control, fatter and fatter without even trying..
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

I've been intentionally gaining since High School and went from 170s - 187 and 200 range. My first big longtime goal was actually 218 due to a book I read in Junior High. Firmly over 200, and that's where I was when finally creating a profile.

Hoping to reach current goal of 260 in next few months and know it's not going to be enough... Next goal will be 300 for sure but probably not as rapid a pace. I already know 40 pounds isn't a hugely significant change, at least to me.

Another 60# puts me in 310 range which sounds perfect and I'll probably go for even 100 at 320 or so... Beyond that, who knows? Hopefully won't feel quite as strong an urge to get fatter by then... 380 does have a nice ring to it tho.
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

First it was 200 pounds. Then 300 pounds. Now at just over 300 pounds, I'm aiming for 400 pounds and beyond. Maybe I'll stop at 550 or maybe go for 600+.
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

Yup, just posted a similar response in another thread... from ~170 to 200 because that sounded really fat, to 220 because that would truly be fat, to 230 because I'd be officially obese, to 250 because that's obese and a very fat sounding number. I have been dreaming of 270 to make it 100 lbs gained in total... and 300... because I think that might actually be fat.
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

Goal creep is definitely a thing. Many increase their goal before they even get there!
5 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

When I was around 115 my goal weight was 150 but it was kinda like a weight I thought I wouldn’t get to for a while. After I hit 150 I gained to about 160 which is where I’m at noooow and now my goal is around 200 but honestly as I get closer I feel like 300 for the future isn’t too high of a goal
5 years