Extreme obesity

Young obesity anyone 18+

19 at 320 pounds, planning on getting up to 400 or 500 at least
5 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Im 19 and Im up to 280, started at 160 when I was 17 so I can really feel the difference.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Yep, you continue to make new fat cells when you gain. One reason why losing weight is not actually getting less fat ... and your body wants to gain it all back ... it is starving, the fat cells are shrunken.

In short, getting fatter is forever.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

21 and 340ish, undecided on how much I want to gain
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

I'm 18 and I weigh 532 pounds, I'm aiming for 1000+, it'll take a while and my health is at extreme risk but I dont care.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Some comments are surprising. Very young and so fat. They will need physical and economic help from another person, when they are immobile and in real life, very few people commit to help someone in those conditions.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Um... I'm 18 years old 140kg which should be around 310lbs I think...

Cute! Do you enjoy your size lol?
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

20 and fluctuating between 305-310 pounds
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

I’m 19 and 120 kg. Still light compared to the other people in my town, tho
I’d like being about 180kg.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

I'm 18 years old 5foot 5 and 245 pounds how do think I'm looking
4 years
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