Food and recipes

Blackberry mint chocolate chip cake


- 2 Cup Buttermilk
- 2 Tbsp Mint Tea
- 2 Cups Unsalted Butter, Softened
- 2 Cup Sugar
- 1 Cup Cocoa Powder (Hershey)
- 1 Tsp Baking Soda
- 1 Tsp Baking Powder
- ¼ Tsp Salt
- 4 Eggs
- 2 Tsp Vanilla
- 3 Cups All Purpose or Pastry Flour
- 1 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips

- 2 Tbsp Honey
- 3 Cups Blackberries (About 12oz)
- 1/3 Cup Sugar
- ¼ Cup Flour

- 4 Oz Cream Cheese
- 1 Cup Unsalted Butter, Softened
- 1 Tsp Vanilla
- 4 ½ Cups Powdered Sugar
- 1 Tbsp of mint tea
- ¼ Cup of filling

1. Preheat oven to 350. Spray 2 9 Inch pans with butter or flour spray.
2. CAKE: Pour buttermilk into measuring cup, add mint tea, and microwave for two minutes. Stir when done and let sit to the side until later.
3. CAKE: Combine butter, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a bowl and mix until creamy, then add eggs, vanilla, and buttermilk/tea mixture (stir before adding), continuing to mix until evenly combined.
4. CAKE: Slowly pour in flour, 1 cup at a time, mixing on low until evenly combined, then add chocolate chips and mix by hand.
5. CAKE: Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes then set aside to cool.
6. FILLING: Turn stovetop to medium heat then add honey and blackberries to a pan. As blackberries begin to heat, crush them with a mallet or spoon. As they begin to break apart, add in sugar and flour, then cook for about five minutes. Remove from heat and set to the side until later.
9. FROSTING*: Combine cream cheese, butter, and vanilla into a bowl and mix until creamy. Gradually add in powdered sugar, mixing until well combined. Refrigerate for 30-60 minutes, then add in mint tea and ¼ cup of filling, mixing again.
10. DECORATING: Once cake is finished baking and has cooled, use a fork to separate cake from sides and flip over onto a plate one layer at a time. In between layers you will put a ring of frosting around the outer edge, then the filling (leave out ¼ Cup of filling for frosting if you haven’t already). Once all layers are stacked, smooth frosting on rest of cake and top with mini chocolate chips.

* Frosting got a bit melty and messy on my end thanks to the heat. The hotter the weather, the longer I recommend putting the frosting in the fridge before adding it to the cake. Also, be sure to put the finished cake in the fridge to help the frosting harden ... it's okay to cut yourself a piece before you do though smiley
4 years

Blackberry mint chocolate chip cake

Looks scrumptious;-)
4 years