Fattening others

Fattening a thin girl

You should probably break up with her, then. If you're not sexually compatible, you're incompatible. You're only two months in, so however much you're enjoying each other's company, you don't truly know each other. Better to cut ties at this point before she gets too emotionally attached to you and the breakup really hurts. And you'll know, forward, that you need to prioritize sexual compatibility in a relationship along with emotional and intellectual compatibility. That's the only way relationships work in the long term.
5 years

Fattening a thin girl

Just kid around with her. Sometimes researchers have said that hanging around with fat people will make you fat. Ask your girlfriend if she is worried about gaining weight hanging with her friends. She'll probably give you a clue about how she feels about being fat.
5 years

Fattening a thin girl

Just be honest with her, its how I've always done it. I told my gf before we had started dating that i like big chunky girls but like her for her not her skinny body. She didn't believe me at first but once she noticed i never looked at skinny girls on big girls and found my porn folder while going thru pictures that she believed me. She went all out and really started packing on the weight after that
5 years

Fattening a thin girl

I had been in a relationship for about 2 months and with a thin girl and i'm having a very good time with her.

Is nice, pretty, intelligent and very lovely, I'm really in love with her...but i have a little problem...she is thin.

Her body wasn't a problem until now that met her fat friends, since then I've been thinking in asking her to gain weight, but idk...i dont know what to do or how tell her this...

Eny help?

Girls generally gain weight when they are in happy relationships, if they have fatter friends, and as they age. Also pregnancy can help and just their natural desire to please. So, if everything else is good with her, just be patient. When the topic comes up, let her know you like bigger girls and if she ever gained weight for some reason, you’d vote for her to keep it. It’s very very very important that you avoid anything that sounds judging or critical of her current size. You want her to feel happy and accepted now as she currently is. She might even freak out and declare she could never get big. But rest assured she’ll be thinking and wondering about it as time goes on. I’ve seen girls allow themselves to gain weight after verbally declaring they wouldn’t. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Don’t worry too much about what she says. The odds are in your favor. Just be patient. smiley
5 years

Fattening a thin girl

Just addressed a similar concern.

Weight gain is a secondary effect of being pampered, of being treated like a queen, and of being spoiled with nice meals and snacks because "you deserve it"

you're not looking for anything epic to happen. If she gains 10lbs in a month she will freak and change her lifestyle. The idea is to let it pile on over time.

Believe me, I have first hand experience with an initially very resisting subject and she plumped out very nice.
5 years

Fattening a thin girl

I had been in a relationship for about 2 months and with a thin girl and i'm having a very good time with her.

Is nice, pretty, intelligent and very lovely, I'm really in love with her...but i have a little problem...she is thin.

Her body wasn't a problem until now that met her fat friends, since then I've been thinking in asking her to gain weight, but idk...i dont know what to do or how tell her this...

Eny help?

Honestly just date her for a bit if she doesn’t show any interest or signs that she’d be interested in gaining than you may need to walk away.
3 years

Fattening a thin girl

I don't think anyone should be secretly fattened (i.e. putting in weight gain powders into other things, adding extra sugar or oils, etc.) But if it happens naturally over time because she's making those choices, then it's not totally your fault.

I don't know that it's even a little bit his fault. A former girlfriend after she had weight loss surgery turned the fact that I had liked her fat into 'I made her fat.' But while I did happily bring her Ben & Jerry's from the freezer, I didn't make her buy it and I didn't make her eat it.
3 years

Fattening a thin girl

It's a difficult line to tread. An ex put on 70ishlbs in the first 2 years then discovered my preferences when meeting a previous gf.

My now wife was 107lbs when we met and the moment she softened I said bluntly that I really liked.her soft tummy. Now she's over 200lbs and although not 100% happy with it, she is very very confident and despite still having some reservations, especially when meeting old friends who haven't seen her in 100+lbs, she knows that she has zero risk of me straying as the way she has naturally changed over the years has only.resulted in me finding her more and more attractive physically.

Honesty at all stages, when asked, helps. Ie if you think she's great now in many ways, make sure she knows, if she gains and you like it, also.make sure she knows. It you find your thoughts changing toward a more negative way, meditate on it to figure out why and if she can help it, maybe, let her know.

Diplomatic honesty.
3 years