Fat experiences

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

I enjoy the reactions of others when they meet my fat little husband. They assume that because I'm rather fit that my husband is the same. When they see how fat he is, there's almost always a surprised reaction, and later they say, "I just thought...he would be different." Once he came to deliver Hamentachen and some dinner to me when we were working late into the night, and my co-workers nearly always express surprise.
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

I'm pretty athletic and every night I play basketball with my next door neighbor in our driveway. He's fairly fit. But his wife is huge 350'ish lbs. When I shared my feeder kink with my wife long ago, she actually made a comment "I'm never going to be fat like Shelly (our neighbor) if that's what you think".

But now every night while we play ball, my wife sits in the lawn chair with Shelly drinking beers and snacking. Shelly constantly brings over sugary drinks and snacks to my wife's glee. I love the dichotomy of the guys all sweaty, exercising while the girls sit their with their growing guts hanging out, casually pigging out every night.

I feel like a girl really needs another gainer girl to show her the ropes, too, lol. One time my wife told Shelly "here you can take these back (bag of chips). Don't want to eat them all"

And Shelly responded "what? no, I have my bag, those are for you - I don't want to bring those back". My wife had never assumed it was OK to publicly eat an entire family bag of chips in one sitting let alone be expected to!
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

It's a thing I've been working on with my wife as well. When she still had to learn growing fatter, we would snack together. Difference is that for every handful of chips, I would grab 2-3 chips and bite eat one in half. To her it seemed we were eating the same.

Her gaining much more weight than I did also helped foster the idea that she has a "slow" metabolism and is naturally prone to gaining.

I'm busy weaning her off shared snacking. These days she has more meals and snack by herself while I excuse myself with some work or other busy stuff that prevents me from eating at that time. She snacks very well now and asks for her snacks, from chips to ice cream.

I love being a much lower weight than her smiley
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

This happened to my wife and I...when we moved in together after finishing uni she was about 125lbs and very toned from all the sport she played...we were known among our friends as the "fit couple".

As her workload increased however the sports started to take a back seat and I noticed some extra pounds were starting to creep on, particularly around her waist, hips and bum. She wasn't oblivious to it either and would often make comments about needing to exercise more, or watch what she ate, but never got around to doing anything about it.

I'm naturally tall and slim, and was playing a lot of football at the time so was in the best shape of my life. Naturally I was eating a lot to fuel all the activity and my wife fell into eating similar sized meals, but with a very sedentary job and no real exercise it started having an even bigger impact on her figure. Over the first two years or so of us living together she piled on nearly 45lbs, reaching a highest weight of about 169lbs. As she's quite short the extra flab was very noticeable, especially as she carries most of her weight in her belly and lower half, and she also developed very noticeable cellulite on her flabbier thighs and bum.

I obviously loved seeing and feeling how much fatter she was getting, especially the cute spare tyres which would bulge over her increasingly tight waistbands...there would be a period of denial each time she needed to buy bigger clothes so seeing her squeezed into them was a pleasure. Ultimately she went from a UK size 8 to 16, which was a big difference.

Obviously piling on that much weight when you've previously been a fit girl draws lots of comments and teasing from friends and family, and it was a big turn on for me when that happened...there were a few particular occasions when she was in her bikini at her biggest, looking very flabby and out of shape (in contrast to tall, fit me)...people would have previously commented on our height difference but the comments started becoming about my wife's invreasingly curvy figure in contrast to my slender frame :-)
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

Has she continued to grow?

Mine is very self-conscious about her gains. That makes for funny moments when she is in public. Without anyone prompting her she will start to explain she has gained weight because of her medication and maybe because she doesn't eat right all the time. It really helps draw people's attention to her weight.

Because that same self-consciousness she tries to hide her belly when she talks with people. She places her hand on her belly but then starts to rub it, moving her hand up and down. I like seeing those fat habits develop in her. Nice internalization smiley
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

Ironically she hasn't...in fact she's now back to a size 8 and is the slimmest she's been since her teenage years, and that's despite having two children in the meantime. While I loved her curvier shape and softness back then she was very self conscious about all the weight she had gained and it started to affect her confidence. We had a holiday in India back then for a wedding, and she received quite a lot of teasing from our friends about just how out of shape she had become by then...it was impossible to hide all the extra inches in her bikini!

After that holiday she weighed herself for the first time in a long time and was shocked to be over 12st (168lbs), and she definitely didn't want to be buying bigger clothes, so she started eating smaller portions and exercising again. Eventually she got back down to her old weight, but it took a while...
6 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

Work out in the gym to build muscles to carry your much larger partner to bed - which surprises her that you can do that.
5 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

Here i have a fat girlfriend as well, even though i'm fit. I love the contrast and the looks we get in public as well.
5 years

Getting fitter while my girlfriend gets fatter

Frankly, my wife getting fatter and lazier forces me to be more fit because she does less of the chores every month. Anything that involves stairs of lots of activity has been handed off to me.
5 years