Fat experiences

Finding people irl with this fetish

It's called being a chubby chaser and 'yes' you will find one.
5 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Hell who has found someone into this in gereral? Because it’s damn hard even with this place and feabie it feels like there’s so much content and infrastructure out there like the clips4sale or stuffer31 or even YouTube yet it’s damn near impossible to meet a feedee if you’re a feeder and vice versa
5 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

It’s almost depressing.. but this kink is part of me, so I have to keep looking or I’ll never know..
5 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

It’s almost depressing.. but this kink is part of me, so I have to keep looking or I’ll never know..

I feel the same way! I’ve thought of it as a sort of personal bane of my existence. I’m sure you and others have dated outside of the kink but for something like marriage/start a family I’d like to have as close to 100% compatibility and that includes this kink..
The closest alternate would be to have the typical ‘wife/husband puts on weight’ after marriage storyline which seems to workout well but requires a commitment prior to knowing if your partner will become a real porker.
Another alternate is the “conversion” scheme, seducing someone into this fetish. I’ve tried this before IRL to varying degrees of success but there will be a lingering lack of genuine excitement for the situation at hand (big night at the Buffett, etc), or worse, a growing displeasure from your partner to how big they’re getting which is inversely related to how attractive you think they are, creating a direct conflict with nasty results. Around 50 pounds of weight gain seems to be a point of critical mass, dare I say, where resentment can start to unfold.
Conversely, a great example of high success in conversion is with model Allison Bettie who can be found on r/stuffers as u/JuneAndCash and her clip store Manyvids under the same name. As reported by her she was introduced to this kind of stuff by a partner and became really good at it, rivaling models like Reiinapop who have since left the scene. Of course, who’s to say she’s into it because of the economic gain she stands to make...

5 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

I've always found issues finding conservative BBW's. Any one else have the same issue?
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Curious 2:
So you don't even hint verbally most of the time, just go on intuition?

There must be something else at play then...are you good at making people feel at ease with you?

Most oftentimes, yes. People found me either strangely fascinating, attractive, weird or a mix of both.

Curious 2:
Perhaps this is where I need to improve...most people are jealous/uneasy around me

I would agree also finding your niche is diffuclt. I too deal with these type of stuggles. I'm a bit odd my self. I find the best way for people to want to be a round you is by being friendly and understanding. If you offer to do polite and respectful thing for others. even when not asked you will find people will respect and want to be around you. Even if your a little bit weird.
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

I've always found issues finding conservative BBW's. Any one else have the same issue?

Curious 2:
What's your definition of conservative?

great question Curous 2! when i mean conservative. I'm referring to there ideas on politics. they believe in small government. they respect people but they will disagree with some life choice(again resp fully), second amendment. tend to dress conservatively. they don't thing climate change is man made. what i'm more interested in is there morals then there politics. i think believing in having healthy relationships that lead to marriage. maybe more conservative religious practices such as Christianity, Catholicism,Jewish,Budist.
would you like me to explain further?
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Curious 2:
What do you mean by"dropped from both sides"?

Like both my boyfriend and I alluded to our interest. If one of us said something was too thick, the other would say "that's impossible." The first time we got naked I apologized for not being maybe as skinny as I looked with clothes "but ya know what everyone likes a lil pudge," to which he replied "I know I do." A few days later he grabbed the little belly roll I had while we got intimate. And a ton of other hints but I won't write a novel here.

Aw, cute! I have plenty of chub to grab when my other half and I get intimate (she’s about 325 pounds and has been heavy most of her life). But many of us FAs do indeed exist out there. Hope you and your current squeeze find happiness and grow closer together!
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

@ChubbychaseingVampire: Move to the deep south. You'll find more fat republican women than you ever dreamed of.
4 years

Finding people irl with this fetish

Realistically, I don't think it's possible. If you insist upon this, you'll likely remain single forever.

If you are, or ever have been in such a relationship, you have already beaten the odds. You're probably more likely to win the lottery, then get struck by lightening on the same day, which just so happens to be clear, bright, and sunny. Perhaps I exaggerated somewhat, and it sounds negative, but I'm being pragmatic.

No one will ever admit to this in person, ever.

I live in one of the largest metros of the U.S. In spite of this, I don't see many female users within a suitable age range. Some may even list a false location, so it's hardly scientific. I can't even be sure if they are single, or even if they are, if they would be into me in particular.

Even if I may be willing to be more flexible on some things, there's other things that are set in stone. For example, I'm looking for someone to be the future mother to my future kids, so if you're a single mother who doesn't want more, but you only want a serious relationship, then we have nothing to talk about.

I once met someone in college who admitted she gained 50 lbs in the past year and apparently didn't have a problem with it, probably even liked it since I still saw a lot of Jack's frozen pizza in the fridge. But a near instant personality clash meant there was simply no way at all.

Point is, there's simply too many ways for it to go wrong, even if you did find someone who was explicitly into this.

The best middle ground is to find someone big who loves eating and doesn't care about being or getting fat. Someone big knows it, and is likely aware of eating a lot. This is vastly easier to find.

There's also some other general things. A lot of positive trends have happened in just the past decade, and it's a pretty exciting time to be an FA. A decade ago, stores almost never had plus-size mannequins and there were more women's clothing brands that stopped at size 10 or 12. Now I'm not aware of any that don't offer at least size 18 or 20. Sizes above 24 remain a niche space, but I think it's only a matter of time until this changes.

You see all of this "body positivity" stuff too, which you didn't see before. More often I see women online with screen names that basically say they're proud to BBW and aren't ashamed of it.

Ever watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" It was released, and set in the 90s in rural Iowa. When his mother went to the police station to demand the release of her younger son, everyone in the town stared, pointed, and laughed at her which was horrible. Thing is, while most folks aren't that big, they're so common nowadays that if you see any while running errands, you don't take note of it anymore. No one cares anymore.

I see so many plump women who dress more stylishly now, wearing heeled shoes and in ways that show off their curves. The other day in an indoor shopping mall, I saw this upper middle aged lady in a dress, like she could have went to work. It didn't show off her midriff, but it was obvious she was busty and you could see much of her legs, which jiggled with every step. I saw her slight cankles wedged into her heeled shoes. Then I thought man, her husband is such a lucky man, getting to play with that every day. But, I digress and I'm starting to ramble.

Another point I'd like to make is this. I think a LOT more folks out there want to be fat or even obese than will admit it to anyone, even to themselves. They might think "perhaps I should spend more time at the gym" but then it's "perhaps later" (which turns into never). They might think they shouldn't have this food, but realize it just tastes SO good so they do. Then it's easier to just accept this.

My point is, I'm not going to get my hopes up, as to do so is madness and will lead to disappointment. But while it's unlikely I'll meet anyone in person who's explicitly into this, with a specific goal to gain weight or to make others overeat and gain, I think it's easier than ever to get most of what I may want, outside of the fetish community.

I don't see how anyone else who is able to think pragmatically, could think otherwise. I'm not going to hold out for what seems like a 1 in 1 million chance, any more than I would expect to actually win the lottery jackpot (and that's if I were to purchase tickets every day).
4 years
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