Ace of spadez:
The reality is that way turns us on is not socially acceptable. It’s socially tolerated. Attitudes of toleration toward fat have grown not an increase in acceptance and desire. The only real hope is the internet and being able to relocate. Most girls u find want to be sexy in spite of being fat , they don’t think they are sexy because they are fat.
There's a lot of tolerance, yes.
But acceptance and even desire? I think there's more of that than before. A man being with a larger woman doesn't have the same embarrassment as before.
Courage is still needed, but I don't think it requires as much courage as before.
In 2030, if current trends continue, and there's little reason to think it won't, a little over 50% of the U.S. will be considered obese (BMI 30+). Some demographic groups are already there, now. The average American man now, already weighs 200 lbs standing at 5'9".
In '30, there will be some demographic groups that aren't at 50% but it's spreading to everyone and will only continue to rise.
There's pretty much no choice but to accept it, and love it. It has become normal. What would have been considered an average weight even 30 years ago seems skinny now.
If the rate continues to rise in a linear fashion, which is far from a foregone conclusion, as any number of things will happen, the U.S. will reach an obesity rate of nearly 100% by the turn of the 22nd century. Of course, it may happen sooner. Or maybe later.
Only thing that seems clear is that in the near term, the obesity rate will rise. Long term planning by some organizations assume this. In the newer NYC subway cars, did you know the new seats are wider than the old ones?
I also almost never see anyone cram 3 into the same side of a booth seat in a restaurant, or 3 in the back seating row of a car, SUV, van, etc.