
Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

Unfff, I love heavy cream. I mix a full quart with pudding mix to make pudding as thick as a pie filling. I could eat the whole bowl right away.
5 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

So used heavy cream and gained back about ten pounds I had recently lost. Then I stopped gaining. After another week, I stopped.

Maybe it's my imagination but I've noticed I'm "jigglier" then I was especially in my butt. A lot more fat dimples. I think I really added some subcutaneous fat and I love it.

I'll start again soon. Think I'll do a week and see what happens
5 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I am starting with HC once again, but I'm going to do it differently this time. I'll drink less cream, e.g. 2x200ml per day, but try to keep going longer than just a week or two. In the past, I usually drank more than 600 ml per day, but it became exhausting after a while. If everything goes well, I am planning to continue until christmas, hoping to gain about 20 lbs.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I am starting with HC once again, but I'm going to do it differently this time. I'll drink less cream, e.g. 2x200ml per day, but try to keep going longer than just a week or two. In the past, I usually drank more than 600 ml per day, but it became exhausting after a while. If everything goes well, I am planning to continue until christmas, hoping to gain about 20 lbs.

That sound like a sensible plan. I can't take 600ml daily myself without getting hot and sweaty at nights in bed.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

Starting to get the whole wonder and curiosity of getting fat again. Thought it would go away.

That is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Comes and goes but never permanently.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

So I’m starting a HC diet for the next month or so. Question though — for the last week I gained 2 pounds and just added it in my cooking but didn’t make any shakes or drink it.

Today I tried to make a relatively small shake with ice cream, heavy cream, peanut butter and bannanas and it upset my stomach pretty bad.

Does anyone have advice on getting it down? Is it better to just add a small amount everyday and keep that going for a while or go on gainer shakes?
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

So I’m starting a HC diet for the next month or so. Question though — for the last week I gained 2 pounds and just added it in my cooking but didn’t make any shakes or drink it.

Today I tried to make a relatively small shake with ice cream, heavy cream, peanut butter and bannanas and it upset my stomach pretty bad.

Does anyone have advice on getting it down? Is it better to just add a small amount everyday and keep that going for a while or go on gainer shakes?

One tip of course is to possibly take it easier at first with smaller amounts, and work your way up as your belly gets used to digesting all the dairy fat. The last thing you ever want is to throw up. Not only is that not fun, but those are wasted calories that won't contribute to weight gain.

If it's been a very long time since you last had any, or your diet hasn't been rich enough, it could be a shock.

If necessary, even start off with half and half. It tastes like creamier milk, which is basically what it is. Ideally, you should give up regular milk and only have half and half or cream. Half and half should be pretty easy to drink straight and get down, even if you haven't had any cream in a long time.

Eventually, you should be able to get up to a cup every day, even a pint. If you have too much at first, it could potentially spoil your appetite the next day. That's what happened, the last time I somehow managed to chug an entire quart.

Being consistent with having it again and again, is what's most important, so the added calories and fat will add up.

The recipe you described sounds like it would be hard to drink. Peanut butter is solid, you want something you can suck through a straw.

Another tip, where it sounds like you have the right idea, is to mix the cream with something. Heavy cream out of the carton, most folks don't like the taste. When it's whipped, even then it's usually mixed with sugar.

One recipe I've found that works is 1 pint of heavy cream with half a cup of coffee flavoring syrup like Ghirardelli or Torani PureMade. You pick the flavor you like the best, since they're all fattening. The syrup with the least calories is still 110 calories per fl. oz. So that's at least 2,040 calories in only 20 oz., and you can suck it down with a straw almost mindlessly while at the computer, playing video games, or watching TV.

Another tip that works for some, but perhaps not for others is to try Lactaid pills (or the store brand) for lactose intolerance. Most folks don't normally need them, but others seem to report positive results when taken with the cream, or helps reduce gas. So, YMMV and I'm inclined to think it's some sort of placebo effect.

It's true that cream contains large amounts of dairy fat, which of course is what you're counting on.. but it doesn't really have much lactose, so I'd probably skip the Lactaid pills if I were you.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

Starting to get the whole wonder and curiosity of getting fat again. Thought it would go away.

It never really goes away. That's why I have decided to gain to 200 minimum which will put me at 60lbs over weight then decide whether or not to keep going
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I have noticed my BP is up from the cream/extra fat. Is this a normal result?
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I have noticed my BP is up from the cream/extra fat. Is this a normal result?

My BP tends to go up when I gain but I have never worked out what particular food (other than salt/sodium) causes it. I do find that exercise helps keep it down, even if I don't lose weight.

I'll experiment with heavy cream over a couple of weeks and see what it does to my BP (and my weight). Will update you.
4 years
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