
Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

I thought this could be a fun debate. I've been researching this and don't know what to conclude to? basically Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of oneself or the partner with the potential to cause harm.

Obviously there are many way worse paraphilias out there. Im just wondering because if two people are consenual in a feedist relationship would that be the potential to harm. Im not saying that feeder relationships are bad but, if someone is obese, which is technically recognized as a disease (which i disagree with but that doesn't matter) would that qualify as a potential to harm. The articles I have read had never said that this type of paraphilia is a disorder but there is very little research on this particular fetish. What do yall think? Any physiologists here?
4 years

Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

technically I'd say it does fall under that term but tbh medical terms for fetishes are super vague. It just feels really wrong that people who are into eating and getting fat, which is like honestly a really innocent human thing to do anyways imo, is grouped under people who are into children and animals. Just feels....bad.

Like we can go on and on about the morality of this fetish but i don't think it can be compared to things like pedophilia. (not saying you're even bringing up the morality of it but I just wanted to share why vague terminology can be misleading)

Still, yes, I'd say there is an aspect to certain parts of the fetish that would include harm, like eating way too much in one sitting or becoming immobile. Though I think it only becomes a "disorder" when its causing profound stress/harm on the person or people they are affecting. I've been into feederism for a long time and I don't feel like I've ever harmed myself besides eating too much and thats really nothing at this point. People could argue I'm making myself unhealthy by getting fat but I'm going to ignore that for now because it feels kind of silly for me to defend my own personal health regarding my weight on a feederism website. lmao. the point is, my weight hasn't caused me any "harm" or distress, regardless of what others might think.

So Again, i think its really just up to the person but i don't think the fetish itself is a disorder automatically. Its definitely a paraphilia just because its technically "abnormal" but thats a whole new topic and I'm rambling again!

I actually read something. It is a paraphilia but it is not a paraphlic disorder. exteme feederism liked immobility would be a disorder but, if you are into feederism and it doesnt consume your life or negatively effect your day to day then it is not a disorder. Ive spent a while trying to find research on this, even though there is very little research done on feederism, and every article iv read has said that feederism is not in itslef a disorder just when its not consensual or it if someone continues to gain a lot when major health issues arise.

I mean im no psychiatrist or doctor but based on what you said and what ive understood from what the DSM 5 says I would not say you have a paraphilic disorder just a paraphilia. The ass holes who force people to gain without consent and for their own personal disorder have the desires and are the ones sick in the head.
4 years

Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

It would seem that the person would gain weight with the purpose of harming themselves or another. If someone fattens someone from 110 pounds to 130, there probably would be no harm. I mean, if a person drives on a date, they are potentially increasing the risk of someone getting into an accident, and injured. There are many different risk factors.
4 years

Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

I can see how it could potentially not be; but I firmly believe it's paraphilic for probably 90%+ of the folks on this forum. No doubt. Becoming obese in its intrinsic nature is causing some harm to the body and most seem to actually get aroused by the thought of their unbridled urges causing that harm along with even being aroused by other shaming them for causing that harm to themselves.
4 years

Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

Not even a debate. I've been in therapy for a year now caus of this shit and nothing has really helped. Next step is to go through the same shit that pedos go through to get rid of their kinks because yes, feederism 100% distresses me that much.

Essentially, I'm gonna be starting conversion therapy this year but my psychologist is gonna pay close attention to me to make sure it's isn't going to give me trauma.
And yes, I have genuinely tried everything to the point where fucking conversion therapy is pretty much my last option. I love life.
4 years