
Eating games (sorta)

How would you turns those into feeding games, pinkydear?
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

I'd imagine that it would be easy to make an eating contest type game out of Poker. Similar idea to strip poker, just bet food instead of articles of clothing.

I bet one brownie. I guess the loser of the hand would have to put all the food away? (Or maybe the winner?)
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

^^^ That...sounds...amazing. I want to do that!
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

j_loads wrote:
georgejorge wrote:
I like the Poker idea. Maybe play with cookies or doughnuts, or even sliders (if you prefer savory). If you want everyone to have to eat,antes are eaten, looser eat the pot.

If you want to go bigger though, play Guts as an eating game (pun is coincidence, I learned the name as face-f**ker). Read about it here:

The pot grows quickly, so you might end up having to eat a lot of food pretty early into the game. If you loose a showdown, you eat the pot. to make it pure evil, give the pot a hand. winning player of showdowns or only player will play the pot. If they loose, they eat double the pot.

I really like this one. Just call it eat the pot!

I've done monopoly and replaced the rents with food. Boardwalk with a hotel was a large pizza. If you fail to eat the entire "rent" within a timely manner, you are out of the game. Couple of things happen...first is that people are more open to trading for some reason! Second is that you don't need to bother with money, nobody really cares about what property you own, just distribute them and get to the eating. Thirdly, I haven't had the chance to do this, but it would be nice to play with teams-one feeder and one feedee. Feeders feed the "rent" to their feedees. Free Parking could be a free belly rub. The game would still take forever to play but it would be fun as hell going shopping for all the "rent" and then eating it with fellow fat friendly people.

Uhm, this sounds like an amazing idea that I want to do
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

Fairy wrote:
j_loads wrote:
georgejorge wrote:
I like the Poker idea. Maybe play with cookies or doughnuts, or even sliders (if you prefer savory). If you want everyone to have to eat,antes are eaten, looser eat the pot.

If you want to go bigger though, play Guts as an eating game (pun is coincidence, I learned the name as face-f**ker). Read about it here:

The pot grows quickly, so you might end up having to eat a lot of food pretty early into the game. If you loose a showdown, you eat the pot. to make it pure evil, give the pot a hand. winning player of showdowns or only player will play the pot. If they loose, they eat double the pot.

I really like this one. Just call it eat the pot!

I've done monopoly and replaced the rents with food. Boardwalk with a hotel was a large pizza. If you fail to eat the entire "rent" within a timely manner, you are out of the game. Couple of things happen...first is that people are more open to trading for some reason! Second is that you don't need to bother with money, nobody really cares about what property you own, just distribute them and get to the eating. Thirdly, I haven't had the chance to do this, but it would be nice to play with teams-one feeder and one feedee. Feeders feed the "rent" to their feedees. Free Parking could be a free belly rub. The game would still take forever to play but it would be fun as hell going shopping for all the "rent" and then eating it with fellow fat friendly people.

Amazing! smiley Who want to play with me? smiley

I do!
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

Some great ideas here! Any game that involves money/bets can be easily converted to eating. I especially like the poker version. The thought of raising two donuts on a 10 donut bet, even though you've already finished 20 before that. You don't want to lose because it is a game after all, then again you want to eat those donuts. And then again you're not sure if you can cause you're stuffed senseless already ... Definitely adds an extra dimension to the game smiley
11 years

Eating games (sorta)

The 3 week/month old reply was a bit of a necropost. But you know, some of these may be fun ideas.

An idea I've had is more simple.. in a relationship, have gaining contests that last for a couple weeks, or a month. The winner is the one who gains the most, and earns the right to control the loser's diet to make the loser gain for a similar time period as the gaining contest. After the feeding period ends, time for another gaining contest.

In theory, this should mean neither is left behind, since hopefully the loser will have enough of an appetite to be the winner for the next round.

But this is fantasy and not really practical since this would likely lead to a very rapid gain for both parties. It also doesn't have any disincentive for someone to lose a gaining contest on purpose. I haven't really thought this out too well.
4 years