Lifestyle tips

Negative comments

It might influence visitors to your abode, if you
have prints of Rubenesque and Botero paintings
or on your desk. This would at least influence
them to see what you found attractive , also
some plump actors photographs.
5 years

Negative comments

I am in the same boat. I've gained some but want to really let go. I am always looking for ways of dealing with it, In some ways I think maybe the best way is to beat them to the punch and say "Yes, I have put on a lot of weight" or even be very forth right and say "look at the size my belly has grown!"
4 years

Negative comments

Me too. I really want to let my inner fat girl out really embrace my bigger-self but I am afraid of how people will talk about me. Mostly relations though, strangers thoughts really dont bother me. But I am afraid of how my family will treat me.

I think true feedees love negative things from friends and family, because they have noticed their gains, and their hard work gaining has been noticed.
4 years

Negative comments

Me too. I really want to let my inner fat girl out really embrace my bigger-self but I am afraid of how people will talk about me. Mostly relations though, strangers thoughts really dont bother me. But I am afraid of how my family will treat me.

Maybe for now you just go the stuffing/bloating route? That way it can be something you keep to yourself or only those you trust to be supportive.
4 years

Negative comments

Years ago I ran into former coworker who said “hey, you got kind of chubby”. And an aunt called me tubby. At the time I hated being fat but now I almost want to hear people whisper or comment “have you seen how fat he got?” I actually want people to notice. I think very few friends and family will disown someone for getting fat. It would say more about their character.
4 years