Fat experiences

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

Probably when I was 12 or 13 with the pillow stuffing and such

Then around 15 I learned that this was actually a thing and I wasn't the only one xD
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I first realised that I liked fat when I went to a wedding at around 6 or 7 years old. I played with my belly at the reception. When I was 10, I had a crush on a cousin who was very large. Later I went through a padding stage in my teens and started gaining once I went to college. There was no internet in those days and it is only in the last 10 years or so that I have found like-minded people.
I'm 64 now so have been a gainer on and off for getting on for 60 years. I'm 310 lbs and married to a lovely lady of 270 lbs.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

As a teenager aswell. I started with 53 kg and I‘m now 85 kg. My friends don‘t know. Even my husband doesn‘t know.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I have always been big so as you learn to love yourself, I learnt to love fat.

I always saw the big girls at school and thought, they are who I want to be with. Soft, warm and cuddly. As I started liking fat more, gender seemed to pale into insignificance.

I remember my first experience of mutual gaining. After school a delightful and large girl, and I would get off at an earlier bus stop and go to the local shop, where we would buy crisps, pastries and chocolate. We would eat them on a park bench together and all the while I thought about her getting fatter. Occasionally the thought that I was getting fatter would crop up. I just found that hotter.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I remember partially filling a ball with water, cramming it into my pants and stepping on the scale. I was in elementary school, so it was quite a while back.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I remember asking once pretty generally what being fat was like, since I'd always been curious.

My response was something to the effect of "It's like having a lot of pizza dough as a belly" and that notion rather turned me on. I'd been trying to gain since.
4 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

When did you realize that being fat turns you on? Did you always know that you preferred big bodies?

I was in my teens and had the opportunity to see fat bellies bouncing and jiggling. It was incredibly hot, and I found myself wishing that I could be fat and experience a jiggly belly for myself.
3 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I didn't realize this until my ex said to me that made me see it differently. She said that: "Now that you developed skills to encourage and support a feeder; what will happen when there is no one else to feed ?" Eventually, some will turn that in on themselves but I didn't want to believe it until I eventually saw that she liked it and because I liked her it grow from there. Which led to me liking it more than she did because I got amazed at the new sensations that came with it like my moobs rubbing against my shirt or my side fat grabbing my shirts and getting my shirt stuck in my side fat to the first time that I felt my gut slap against the middle part of my thigh as I walked. I want to see what else I can further feel in the near future.
3 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

So I realized I like bigger bodies from cartoons when I was younger and really enjoyed the idea of people getting softer and fatter.
But after my first accidental stuffing session I've loved the feel and the added weight and I'm not planning on looking back anytime soon!
3 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

Have always loved fat women cuz my mum is and that is when I realised it's just what I wanna be, it brings this special feeling and it's literally everything I want even though i can fairly say I'm skinny at the moment but then I still love me!!!

Just wait until you go through the transition and notice the changes that people never talk about like the first time like how you feel you gut hang below your shirt so you will love the new feel of it all
3 years
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