Fat experiences

You might be a gainer if............

Not all of these apply to everyone, but some of them almost certainly will.

Here's one.. when you go shopping for clothes, in an effort to save money you sometimes get the next size up, even if it's still a little loose, to accommodate your future expansion.

If you think about going on an all inclusive vacation of some sort, you pack extra clothes in a size up because the enabling of extra gluttony could very well result in significant weight gain, especially if it's 2 weeks or more.

Sometimes, you have food/portion size milestones you want to beat/pass/achieve. 3 slices of pizza in a sitting, then 4, then 6, then the entire pizza. You eat 2 triple burgers but want to be able to eat 3.

You sometimes dream about how much you'd like to eat, or wish you could eat.

Eventually you wonder if you may need a new desk chair, because the weight capacity may not continue to be sufficient.
4 years

You might be a gainer if............

The words Morbidly obese, pig etc. no longer upset you, but arouse you.
4 years