Fattening others

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

It's been about 3 weeks of getting heavy cream milkshakes before bed and on occasion I have been having ice cream and heavy cream after work. I have to say since my wife has been adding this to my diet my belly is growing much faster than before. A few nights back she went through almost a gallon of ice cream and tore through the heavy cream fattening me up.

The funny thing is my body looks so much more fatter but the scale only climbs up a few pounds every 5 or 7 days. I think she really enjoys a little too much seeing how fat she can get me. Lol
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

would love to be someone's bf feedee pig
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Not sure if my wife is fattening me on purpose but I do know several times that I have accidentally packed on the lbs. and intentionally (secretive from her but to get a reaction from her) her meals had become more fattening and the plate sizes were huge not to mention serving me second and thirds on occasion even before I finished that plate....almost so I couldn't say No. Not that I would say No because not only was I trying to impress her but my appetite would get huge. One time I packed on 40+ Lbs. mostly all to my new huge gut and she didn't flinch or slow down any of the meals and portions they only seemed to get bigger and more fattening. She only commented on a couple occasions when we she was slightly intoxicated (teasing me).
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Not sure if my wife is fattening me on purpose but I do know several times that I have accidentally packed on the lbs. and intentionally (secretive from her but to get a reaction from her) her meals had become more fattening and the plate sizes were huge not to mention serving me second and thirds on occasion even before I finished that plate....almost so I couldn't say No. Not that I would say No because not only was I trying to impress her but my appetite would get huge. One time I packed on 40+ Lbs. mostly all to my new huge gut and she didn't flinch or slow down any of the meals and portions they only seemed to get bigger and more fattening. She only commented on a couple occasions when we she was slightly intoxicated (teasing me).

That sounds pretty hot. Are you sure she isn't a feeder?
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

ILoveChibbyChix....... I think she may have a secretive desire for Fat. She only acts a bit on the FA side when she has been drinking and is slightly tipsy above normal. I think she has a deep desire that is tucked away.

She has only done several things over the years that has given me this thought.
4 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Not sure if my girlfriend is trying to fatten me up, I’d say she isn’t but it has happened anyhow.

We met 2 years ago and when we moved together I noticed that she would eat much less than me. She could easily skip lunch and dinner could have been just a salad. Now, I’ve always been fit, lean and muscular, but I’ve also always had a fast metabolism so I was used to eat often just to keep my weight around 160 lbs. Her habits started to rub off on me and I lost another 5 pounds or so. Some of our friends noticed and we started joking she was starving me. She said we were stupid and that she actually really likes to cook. Also in private the following days she told me I had been silly and I should have told her I was used to eat more.

It was true she loves to cook but she used to do it mostly when we had friends around. At the same time she got a less demanding job and more time to cook and made an effort to make me something nice every evening and also something to bring with me the following day at work. You could tell she was trying to see how much was enough for me and adjusting my portions.

It was fun to see she was genuinely so attentive and careful. I remember we were at her parents and her mum gave me a small portion of lasagne. My girlfriend smiled to her mum and told her that I had a very good appetite and fast metabolism and probably needed twice as much. She joked telling her she made me lose 5 pounds since we met.

She definitely changed her cooking habits and many times she said she actually loved cooking everyday now that she had someone to cook for. She also would bake often during weekends and dinners would have followed by something sweet.

Many times she checked with me if she was giving me enough. You could see she was genuinely concerned if I was finishing my plate too quickly and she got fast in offering seconds.

A couple of months into lockdown a colleague asked if I had put on weight staying more at home. I said I didn’t. Of course my girlfriend had more time at home too, so she was cooking and baking more. I could tell she was looking forward to hearing what I thought of any new recipe she was trying and she was so happy if I was asking for seconds.

Portions were generous and she joked a few times on the fact she didn’t want to send me to bed hungry anymore.

I remember so many comments from her in that period like “Here, have a bit more honey..” or “Oh don’t be silly, sure you have space for this..” or “Oh come on, it will go to waste otherwise..”

Honestly I have been totally naive for a good while but at some point it did occur to me that maybe I had put on a few pounds.

There is no scale at our place and I felt quite embarrassed so I didn’t want to ask her directly. I felt embarrassed because I’d always been fit in my life, always had pecs, a flat stomach and at least a good hint of abs.

Well, I checked in the mirror and it was clear I looked different. Pecs were softer, abs were gone and my belly was rounder. I was shocked.

I didn’t know how to bring it out with my girlfriend. I started to say maybe I shouldn’t have had those second helpings or that maybe I’m eating too much cake. I’ve realised I’m actually having a good size dessert every single night! I didn’t even realise I got into this habit!

My girlfriend brushes off my hesitations quickly and keeps filling my plate and giving me big slices of cake.

In bed I’ve noticed she more and more likes to spoon me and her hands do linger on my belly or on my sides, and she even squeezes there.

Only when she gets horny I can get something out of her, for example if I say that I’m stuffed and maybe shouldn’t have eaten that much than she is happy to confirm “I know honey, you’re so naughty.. you’ve eaten two huge slices of cake too!”

Long story short.. I’m up 20 pounds, 25 including those I had lost initially. I didn’t tell her but surely she has noticed.. Still she keeps giving me big portions and big smiles when I accept seconds..

At the same times something tells me she didn’t want to fatten me up. I feel she just wanted to feed me properly and she overdid it.. she likes to see I love her food and she doesn’t mind that I ended up putting on weight, she finds it more amusing than repulsive. Even though she did like my fit body before.

Does it make sense?
3 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

It's been about 3 weeks of getting heavy cream milkshakes before bed and on occasion I have been having ice cream and heavy cream after work. I have to say since my wife has been adding this to my diet my belly is growing much faster than before. A few nights back she went through almost a gallon of ice cream and tore through the heavy cream fattening me up.

The funny thing is my body looks so much more fatter but the scale only climbs up a few pounds every 5 or 7 days. I think she really enjoys a little too much seeing how fat she can get me. Lol

Wait so heavy cream and ice cream can do that to you?
3 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

I fatten up no one... But my best friend does fattening me... Do you think I should tell him to stop fattening me up (I think that I am getting a little fat... And he like it I guess) or should I let him feed me and just do what he want... (He always dominate me, and to be true I am pretty afraid of him...)

That's super abusive relationship by the sounds of it. You should never be with someone you are afraid of anyway but feedism is a dynamic that is in many ways particularly ripe for abuse and you need to love and most importantly trust your partner. Sounds like you should leave now. (I'd post this in French but the mods have told me off for using Spanish before).
3 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

Not sure if my girlfriend is trying to fatten me up, I’d say she isn’t but it has happened anyhow.


Does it make sense?

That's hot! I think she's a feeder or at least a fat admirer. She likes you softer, it's a good thing!
3 years

Fattening up your husband or boyfriends

I wrestle with the whole "got my boyfriend / husband fat" thread because it suggests it is primarily our doing. My boyfriend had a little belly before we started dating. He likes to eat. Yes, I cook good meals and yes I think he looks good bigger. But he hits fast food when I'm not around, and so it's not like I'm forcing him to eat. My brother always was skinny and now is getting big. My Mom blames his fiance. I look at the large folks in my family and think he's just following suit. I hope this doesn't come off as ranting. I'm not. It's just complicated.

Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something, but it seems like the heart of this is reliant upon the assumption that it would be bad if it were largely our doing! Whether he's diving headfirst into donuts without any prompting or encouragement whatsoever or we're spoon-feeding him every bite, or anything in between, if he's good with it, it's all good. Not a thing wrong with opening the door for gain, or actively encouraging it, at least in the context of feeling guilty or as if anything unfair has been done.
3 years
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