
How many slices of pizza can you eat?

So far the most I've eaten in one evening is three whole 10" diameter "Cheese Feast" ?thinnish? crust pizzas. So, if I'd've sliced them up (I didn't) that'd be 24 'normal' slices..

As they're only 5/6ths the size of 12" pizzas that's equivalent to 20 slices of 12"..

(In before anyone calling bullshit: I shot video - but you only get a link if you're a cute female feeder / FFA smiley )
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

It depends on how hungry you are, but usually 2 large pizzas.
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

3/4 of an extra large and I'm filling out the booth at the pizza parlor.
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

At one time? I have had a full Little Caesars Stuffed crust. And for prices of a deep dish. Had to sleep setting up that night
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

5 larges typically. 8-slice larges. deep dish like it should be !
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I once ate 11 large slices of thin crust...

For thicker slices, I can eat a whole pizza, but usually get tired of it after 5-6 slices and slow down considerably.

If I really want to put away a lot of food, it’s best to switch to something else after that, to keep my palette engaged in the engorging.
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

Butter on a pop tart:
I once ate 11 large slices of thin crust...

For thicker slices, I can eat a whole pizza, but usually get tired of it after 5-6 slices and slow down considerably.

If I really want to put away a lot of food, it�s best to switch to something else after that, to keep my palette engaged in the engorging.

Yeah that used to be a big thing for me. Just depends on what it is I guess.
5 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

About 4 slices on a large from Pizza Hut the last time I tried.

Eventually, I would like to be able to eat the entire large pizza in one sitting, without leftovers and without sharing. Unfortunately I'm not there yet.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

i love cake:
However many slices are on two dominos pizzas

Too long, didn't read: Probably 8 slices, but it doesn't actually matter how many slices. The diameter of the pizza from which you can determine the surface area is what's important.

This is a mostly irrelevant question, since in theory you could cut a pizza into twice as many, or even dozens of slices. But then they would be so skinny, it's not going to be any fun.

Most pizza parlors that cut into triangle slices would cut into 8, or if large enough 12 slices. Others like to cut into squares, though I hate that because then it means some slices have no crust to hold on to (which will then double as a breadstick at the end).

A better question to ask, though I admit a bit more technical than the way most are likely used to thinking, is the surface area and thickness to calculate the volume of the pizza. Then you measure a fraction of that, if you are not yet able to eat the entire pizza. The number of slices it was originally cut into is mostly irrelevant, and you can always cut to taste.
4 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I can put away at least 4-5 slices of an xl pizzeria pizza. More depending on whether I ate anything else and how fast I eat.
4 years
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