Fattening others

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

I do every year, as I typically diet from March/April through July for summer pool season.

And it's kind of annoying as the fattie wife wants to constantly eat out at places I can't have much at.

Feeder PRO-TIP: It's been a wonderful technique to get her mentally acclimated to normalizing eating morbidly grandiose amounts of food to herself.

For example, we'll still have pizza night and she can just basically eat the entire thing and the appetizer to herself as I already have my prepared lean meals cooked I'll eat instead.

"The husband is dieting – I guess I get this all to myself" is a nice excuse she can use for a few months to feel OK with eating entire buckets of chicken, entire lasagnas to herself. And then when I end my diet, eating an entire pizza to herself is simply a "normal thing" she does on a Saturday afternoon now.

She would have never thought that was OK prior.
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

I go to the gym regularly. I was eager to get back after I had my daughter. Whilst there I was reminded of how good it feels to workout and I kept that image in my mind.
I did workout during pregnancy but it's rather difficult.
Keep your eyes on your prize.
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

I have to be eating with her to keep her feeding herself. I can slow down (1 chips versus her 5) or skip a meal or a snack, but if I eat lean, she generally tries to follow.

I'm having some cholesterol issues and eating more veggies and less of everything else because of that does help; she sees it as me fixing my health problem, not dieting. But even then you notice she eats less.
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

If my partner was wasting away while I'm ballooning up, I'd just be worried about her.

I like girls that range from normal to a little plump.
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

I am a connoisseur of contrast. I like the idea of staying fit and tiny while he balloons and grows softer, rounder, and slower.

If he were eating fatty treats while I eat up the km, that would be delicious and delightful.
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

My better half is getting fatter but I'm constantly working out. It's an aesthetic contrast we like so it works.well
4 years

Losing weight while your partner is getting fat

I am a connoisseur of contrast. I like the idea of staying fit and tiny while he balloons and grows softer, rounder, and slower.

If he were eating fatty treats while I eat up the km, that would be delicious and delightful.

I also love contrast, im getting relly fat and my gf gained a lot when we got together my "bad" habbits rubbed off on her.
But she has finally started working out and eating really healthy, (her own decision, i really loved her fat body aswell)
But its so hot being the fat greedy pig in the relationship, im always laying on the couch totalt stuffed on macdonalds with wrappers laying in the bed, and she comes home all sweaty from the gym looking healthy and takes a shower and starts to cook healthy food for her and greasy food for me🀩 πŸ˜…
Its so hot to me 🀩
5 months