Fat experiences

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

A few chairs. broke a bed frame. Quite a few desk chairs.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Just furniture? *Wink*

I've had to replace a bed frame, toilet seats, reinforce chairs that were cracked, and then there was a bench on a tree branch. That's a good story.

A tree is solid, but no match for all that weight.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

My wife and I broke a bed just taking a nap.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

A bed. And a lawn chair
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

2 beds, 1 couch, 1 recliner, 1 combined desk/chair in high school, 2 glider rocking chairs, 1 office chair, more than a few plastic lawn chairs... Oops!
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

A few folding chairs summer 2018.
The kind that have the canvas fabric with the brass eyelets you fold up and keep in a bag like wrap. I pulled the eyelets out of one and bent the leg on another.
Bent a porch lounge chair a couple of years ago.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

LOL I wasted my money on the chair so that part wasn't so good.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I sunk the legs in soft dirt a few times too. One of my GFs was laughing as I went sinking down.
Her hubby had to lift me back up. Good thing he was a big boy and really strong LOL
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Not really I was wearing a skirt at the time.
Leggings or shorts would have been better.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I have broken numerous dining room chairs, some at friend's homes, which is embaressing but inside secretly exciting to me. Have also broken outdoor folding chairs and numerous toilet seats. Finally found some plastic ones that hold up quite nicely.
5 years
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