Story authors

Spelling and grammar

Please can story writers make some attempt at getting their spelling right! I am aware the odd typo slips in. I am aware autocorrect makes some peculiar changes that the writer is not aware about. I can forgive one or two slips! I can tolerate American spelling vs English spelling... just about.
Some writers seem to have no concept of basic grammar and the differences between the same word spelled differently. It changed the entire meaning and interrupts the flow of the writing!
For instance, if I repeat the first sentence of this post the way some would write it, it would read:
‘Please can storey righters make som attempt about getting their spelling write!’ Do you see what I mean?
I know I’m old fashioned, but there we are! Bad spelling drives me nuts!
5 years

Spelling and grammar

My English teachers would have put a red pen through any abbreviation. They would not allow you to start any sentence with ‘and’ or ‘because’. Commas before ‘and’ were not allowed either.
5 years

Spelling and grammar

wat u mean, u wnt ppl to spel rite? you cant b serous.

In all honesty, yeah, it's pretty bad out there. No one cares in even the slightest it feels like to me.

Then they wonder why I don't want to be associated with this place when it comes to writing anything.
5 years

Spelling and grammar

Please can story writers make some attempt at getting their spelling right! I am aware the odd typo slips in. I am aware autocorrect makes some peculiar changes that the writer is not aware about. I can forgive one or two slips! I can tolerate American spelling vs English spelling... just about.
Some writers seem to have no concept of basic grammar and the differences between the same word spelled differently. It changed the entire meaning and interrupts the flow of the writing!
For instance, if I repeat the first sentence of this post the way some would write it, it would read:
�Please can storey righters make som attempt about getting their spelling write!� Do you see what I mean?
I know I�m old fashioned, but there we are! Bad spelling drives me nuts!

I once wrote a parody called Giant Wall of Text, not sure if it's still in the Stories section anymore but point being is bad grammar has been a problem for a decade here.
5 years

Spelling and grammar

I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember; even before I knew about all of this stuff, so it does bother me when I see the grammar. I do make mistakes sometimes if I’m typing fast or it’s late, I can tolerate minor mistakes. But when people have no consideration for the rules it makes it a bit harder for me to read. I’m not too bothered, and I generally try to be nice about it if I do point it out (in which I usually am.)
5 years

Spelling and grammar

Bad grammar and spelling drive me crazy but I keep my mouth shut so not to offend the spelling challenged people.
5 years

Spelling and grammar

your write. ppl shud take more care of there spelling and gramer!
5 years

Spelling and grammar

I've started using grammarly to edit my stories
4 years