Lifestyle tips

Regreat with your weight.

No regrets.

Once you go fat, you never go back.

And you want him to be fatter. 😄
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

The idea of a woman taking away the choice from me is really hot but then it's also scary.

It can be freeing, though, as well. For a while my little butterball was so stressed out about losing control, but he realized he was more anxious making decisions and holding onto his weight. Once he started to fatten he became so content and at ease with himself. As long as you find someone whom you can trust, it will make you so happy to give up that anxiety you're holding onto.
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

No regrets.
Beats being skinny any day.
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

The idea of a woman taking away the choice from me is really hot but then it's also scary.

It can be freeing, though, as well. For a while my little butterball was so stressed out about losing control, but he realized he was more anxious making decisions and holding onto his weight. Once he started to fatten he became so content and at ease with himself. As long as you find someone whom you can trust, it will make you so happy to give up that anxiety you're holding onto.

Do you ever think about the fact, that you have shortened the time you will get to spend with your loved one?

I think like that sometimes.

Maybe a heart attack or stroke changing your lives forever?
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

The only regret about my weight is I'm not bigger I had wanted to be 300lbs by now been trying if and on for 3 years with barely any success
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

I know things radically changed for my wife when she switched jobs and was then working around few people that only knew her as fat. At her old job she always felt like coworkers were comparing her to her skinny past.

Now her and her little fattie crew can freely pig out at lunch. Nobody even knows she's let herself go over the past few years.

When she had coworkers over for a party, one looked at photo on the wall of her from 3 years ago and asked "Hmm, is that your sister?"
5 years

Regreat with your weight.

regreat = to make great again.

Greatest thing I’ve seen tucked into a forum yet 😂 Thanks for that
4 years

Regreat with your weight.

My biggest regret in life was that I didn't take full advantage of my work situation 20 years ago. I lived and worked in hotels, and I should have made sure to eat to capacity and beyond each and every day. Instead I was always too busy to eat.
4 years

Regreat with your weight.

Does any have this issue? I'm starting to wonder myself.

The only regret I have is that I wasn't able to become fat sooner. I have wanted to be fat since I was a teenager, but my high metabolism didn't cooperate with. I wasn't able to start gaining weight until I was 37 years old and started drinking heavy whipping cream.

When I look back to my younger self, it's amazing how much my body has changed. I used to be physically active. I enjoyed sports when I was younger, but it was never a passion. It wasn't something I identified myself with.

Fast forward to today, and I weight 283 pounds. For me, a workout today is taking my trash containers out to the curb.

Being fat definitely limits me. Walking up even a short flight of stairs will leave breathless. Tying my shoelaces becomes more difficult with each pound I gain. I don't even try to run or jump anymore because I can't. It's physically impossible for me now.

Despite all that, if I had the opportunity to start over, I'd gain weight in a heartbeat. I enjoy my large, round, curvy body. I get an incredible thrill as my clothes get tighter, struggling to contain my fattening body. I love how warm, soft, and squishy my body is. I get so much joy out of feeling my body bounce, jiggle, and quiver as I walk.

Being fat and gaining weight is an incredibly enjoyable experience for me. For me, the physical limitations that come with being fat are totally worth it. In fact, I actually enjoy the limitations. I find that vulnerability very arousing.

Just my two cents. I hope it helps.
4 years

Regreat with your weight.

No regrets.
Beats being skinny any day.

I couldn't picture myself being skinny. I get the thrill of eating whatever I want; outgrowing my clothes, patting my big belly. Just being content with my heavier life.
3 years
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