
The rounder it gets...

5 years

The rounder it gets...

When I used to binge eat my belly got hard as a rock because it was literally packed full of food.
The next morning it was flabby and jiggly.
5 years

The rounder it gets...

I think that's part of the magic of fattening. Naturally, many people get fat outside of feederism and common questions are "How did you not see it coming? How did you let yourself go so far?"

Well, fat is so subtle. One evening, it's "oh my, my gut is sticking out further than ever!". Then the next morning is "oh, I must have just been bloated" and everything is back to normal. But the trick is it's not.

Deep in your belly, fat cells are quietly multiplying faster and faster. Fattening for most people is like waiting for water to boil or watching for snow accumulate. It seems like nothing is happening, and then you look away for a minute ...

...............But then you notice you are fat, right?

Yep, and then everyone notices! But even then, it's subtle and seems to go back and forth like switchbacks while driving up a mountain. You wake up feeling light one morning -- "oh, I'm not really that big". Then you see a photo or try buttoning and old pair of jeans and feel so fat. Thin then fat, thin then fat, but each time the thin is a tiny bit less, and the fat is a tiny bit more smiley

Yeah, I definitely relate to this. Once I eat, I have an obvious pot belly now. My size 32 jeans are too tight and the outline of my round belly is clearly visible through my shirts. When I sit down, my fat roll pushes over my jeans. However, in the morning, Iā€˜m still slim, with only a tiny, soft paunch that is not noticeable at all. Also, I think while my belly size fluctuates considerably, my butt is only getting bigger, making it hard to fit into my jeans in general.
5 years

The rounder it gets...

I think that's part of the magic of fattening. Naturally, many people get fat outside of feederism and common questions are "How did you not see it coming? How did you let yourself go so far?"

Well, fat is so subtle. One evening, it's "oh my, my gut is sticking out further than ever!". Then the next morning is "oh, I must have just been bloated" and everything is back to normal. But the trick is it's not.

Deep in your belly, fat cells are quietly multiplying faster and faster. Fattening for most people is like waiting for water to boil or watching for snow accumulate. It seems like nothing is happening, and then you look away for a minute ...

This is like a horror movie.
5 years

The rounder it gets...

This is like a horror movie.[/quote]

Or my wildest fantasy come true! Lol
5 years

The rounder it gets...

Excellent analysis! I have always been chubby but I love it, so becoming an obese, cellulite covered pile of blubber rolls has been wonderful. I feel so much more at home in my body

This is like a horror movie.

Meh, I'd say it's only a scary if you're wishy-washy about getting fat. Fat is like an old school marriage. It's a commitment that you dive in with 100%. You have to decide whether you're a fatty or a skinny at heart. But once you realize you're a fatty, then it's a laid back, "pass the butter", "dessert sounds great," Netflix and chill, kind of love. You stop stressing out your mind. You let yourself relax. Ballooning bellies and jiggling butts are all part of the lifestyle. Whether they show up shockingly fast, or subtly, whether you hurry them along with a funnel, or take your time;
in the end, they're just letting the world know you're a bonafide fatty. Everything gets nicely in sync -- your fatty mind, fat-friendly lifestyle, and fat body. It's like an old school romance movie where you're just made for each other.

But, if you're half-hearted about it -- if you wanna pig out one day and then show off your six pack the next, watch out! It's like marrying someone for convenience, but you hate the way they look and think their personality sucks. Your brain will be depressed about your body. Your body will rebel against you for fighting it. Your lifestyle will swing back and forth like a roller coaster. Nothing will be in sync. And in the end, all the stress will probably still make you fat. Casually messing around with fat is like an old school cheating song, such as Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats". Those never end well smiley
5 years