
New years resolutions?

What’s every bodies New Years resolutions??
Mine is to reach 220 pounds in 2020. I’m currently 165 pounds. Not sure if that’s super ambitious or not? Anyways typically I gain weight pretty easily so I think I can do it.

That's 55 pounds, which is a full third of your current weight.

It's ambitious, though not unheard of. You're also a few inches taller than the average man, which will help.

You hear about insane cases of some who could double their weight in a year, or more but those are unreasonable goals. That's not really possible unless you can literally sit down and overeat all day, every day and have a practically unlimited source of funds for not just food, but clothes too. I'm assuming that you, like most of us are functional members of society that have to go to work. Hopefully it's a job where you can snack, but some jobs aren't like that.
4 years

New years resolutions?

I already made a somewhat long post about this, so I'll just link to it. But to summarize, I'd like to reach 170 and then 200.

I hope I'll be chunky enough to feel more confident about wearing shorts after my limbs thicken up a bit more.
4 years

New years resolutions?

My new years goal is to gain 80lbs
Eat 10k calories every day for at least 2 weeks get at least a few stretch marks
4 years

New years resolutions?

My new years goal is to gain 80lbs
Eat 10k calories every day for at least 2 weeks get at least a few stretch marks
i have the same goal as well. I’m planning to do 10000 cal a day starting on New Years but don’t know how many days I can do in a row. Also my reward for my efforts would be getting my first stretch mark or marks.. been thinking how long it will take for it to show up.. can’t wait.
4 years

New years resolutions?

I kept telling myself that I would go back to my normal exercise after the new year started but I’m struggling to find the motivation. I put on 15 pounds or so since July, at first accidentally and then on purpose. The thing is, I was going to get back in the gym, but I like being a little bigger. I kinda want to keep going. I decided to eat all of the junk food in the pantry to clear it out and remove temptation earlier this week. God it was so good.

I’m struggling not to change my resolution from losing the 15 pounds I picked up as a trial run to gaining another 15 pounds - if not more. I’m at 170 now but can only imagine what it would be like if I kept pushing to 185, where my BMI would be overweight. Or maybe I could keep going. Maybe a nice even 200 by 2021. Or maybe even 220 for an even 50 pounds....
4 years

New years resolutions?

Also aiming to hit 220 for 2020. I'm currently 192 as of 1/1 (down from an all time high of 207). The most I've gained in a year is 20lbs, but I'm hoping because some of this is a regain it will be more doable.

I really want to make some progress on my gaining this year and finally feel fat. I was 135/140 when I started actively gaining in 2014. At 207 I started to feel like I was finally getting fat, but last year was so hectic that I ended up losing some weight. Hoping to correct that this year.
4 years

New years resolutions?

What’s every bodies New Years resolutions??
Mine is to reach 220 pounds in 2020. I’m currently 165 pounds. Not sure if that’s super ambitious or not? Anyways typically I gain weight pretty easily so I think I can do it.

That's 55 pounds, which is a full third of your current weight.

It's ambitious, though not unheard of. You're also a few inches taller than the average man, which will help.

You hear about insane cases of some who could double their weight in a year, or more but those are unreasonable goals. That's not really possible unless you can literally sit down and overeat all day, every day and have a practically unlimited source of funds for not just food, but clothes too. I'm assuming that you, like most of us are functional members of society that have to go to work. Hopefully it's a job where you can snack, but some jobs aren't like that.

I feel like such a pig compared to most on here. I mindlessly put on over a hundred pounds in 2019, and over 160 since September 2018. I am going to try to slow down a little in 2020.

Wow, I'm super impressed by your gain, that is truly amazing. I'm trying to get back to my highest weight 231 lbs. I'm down around 224 lbs. right now. I feel kind of wimpy compared to your growth/gain, good luck!
4 years

New years resolutions?

My new year's resolution is to pass the 300 pound mark. My body usually stays around 280. But I dream of 300+
4 years