Lifestyle tips

What age is best?

Typically after college age.

Or 30.
5 years

What age is best?

Whatever age you want you are an adult being 24 right?
I was 25 or so when I started gaining and my Mom still doesn't like that I made myself fat and I'm 47 now.
Chances are they will always comment or say something so just get used to that.
The trick is to not pay attention to their comments about your weight.
Certainly don't wait for them to die off thats kinda creepy.
5 years

What age is best?

Yeah deff get your own place 24 is too old to be living at home IMO.
I left home at 17 because I was a wild kid.
5 years

What age is best?

I found this site when I was around 20 and within 6 months of thinking about it started gaining intentionally.
My mother never had an issue with it but I think that's cause she always struggled with her weight herself.
My father made comments at first but my mum ended up telling him off and he's been relatively quiet ever since.
None of my siblings or any other family have ever commented.
It is a big adjustment personally, let alone for other people, I still have moments where I look in the mirror and am surprised that the big guy looking back is me.
I think the best way to handle it is to own it, be open, make jokes, you don't have to go into detail but show people that you know you're getting fat and you're ok with it.
Ultimately the right age is when you're desire to gain outweighs (lol) your fear of the reactions.
5 years

What age is best?

I think you should start when you feel attracted to the idea.

There is no need to balloon 100 lbs in a year. Start adding some extra snacks, or a 4th meal of the day, and add 5-10 lbs in a year.

The slower it goes, the more years of growing fun you have
5 years

What age is best?

Ideally wait until you're on you're own. If you're constantly worried about parental friction you can't really enjoy gaining, and why do it if you can't enjoy it?

If you do need to talk to family about it, I helped one woman with that:
5 years

What age is best?

Almost any age can work. As others have said, being on your own is ideal. Even though I've wanted to gain for ages. I didn't in my younger years because I was too busy and active. Now I'm in my early 40s and am gaining. I figure that can give me about 10 years of living the life. As one gets older, depending on how fat one is, health issues can arise and being older means being less likely to keep healthy. Being young enough for my body to handle it. Being a little older could also help with slowing your metabolism. Many people gain as they age. I just worry about health issues after 50. But, many times of life can be good gaining years lol. Best wishes!
2 years

What age is best?

If you’re mature enough to make the decision after weighing the pros and cons etc. then I think it’s fine. Family should support whatever happens either way.
2 years

What age is best?

Your age partially determined how your weight distributes too. I don’t know it for sure, but I find people who hover around BMI 30 in their teens tend to be softer and more pear shaped as adults. This is just what I’ve seen from a few people, though.

That is an interesting observation, even if the sample size was limited
2 years