
Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

It's normal for people to gain 10lbs in a month but quite something to do that for several months.
4 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

I managed 14 lbs in 2 weeks one Christmas season a few years ago.

A female colleague once gained 7kgs (that's 15.4lbs) on a 7-day cruise.
4 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

A female colleague once gained 7kgs (that's 15.4lbs) on a 7-day cruise.


Man, I should try to go on a cruise at some point. Ideally a 10 day or 2 week one if I could swing that. Also pack some clothes a size up too, just in case.
4 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

*ahem* about to hit 200lb gained in less than a year...
3 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

*ahem* about to hit 200lb gained in less than a year...

ok, you should win an award for that gain. i thought my gain of 100 lbs in a year and a half was a lot - but now i think i am in the little leagues! smiley
3 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

*ahem* about to hit 200lb gained in less than a year...

😳 *bowing down* we’re not worthy!!
3 years

Most weight gained in a short amount of time.

*ahem* about to hit 200lb gained in less than a year...

How did it feel growing that fast?
3 years