
When do people notice?

I started out my weight gain journey so underweight that it was medically dangerous, and so for most of my life, nearly everyone I know has been pushing me to gain weight in order to stay out of the hospital. I actually got into feederism after finding these sorts of sites when researching ways to gain for health reasons, but for years I never had luck actually gaining even when I tried.

Now, finally, I have gained enough weight that I am in the “normal” BMI range... and somehow no one seems to have noticed. So, my friends, family, and even my doctors are all always trying to get me to eat more since they still see me as that super underweight person. This is great for me, because it means that my doctor keeps prescribing appetite stimulants and my family and friends keep buying me food and not judging me no matter how much I eat as long as it is regular food.

When should I expect people to start catching on that I’m getting bigger? I worry about it a lot, because I’d like to get to 200+ pounds but I suspect that long before I reach that goal, at some point people will notice the path I’m on and start trying to stop me from gaining instead of helping. How do you deal with it when third parties try to stop your gain? Are there legal OTC appetite stimulants that work? I can’t get away with insisting I’m gaining for health reasons forever because once I hit a certain point that will become an obvious lie.
5 years

When do people notice?

Don't worry about when people will notice because what they think doesn't matter.
Seems people these days have a hard time making their own minds up and feel they have to have other approval to do anything.
If you want to be 200+ then do it don't let what others think control your life.
Are you still living at home with your parents?
Sure sounds like it and at 20 you should be out on your own anyway.
5 years

When do people notice?

Well im sorry to say this.. but they will probanly notice eventually, especially if you want to be 200 pounds

If you read my post, I say in the post that I expect people to notice, my question is about WHEN people are likely to notice, not whether they will at all. The title of the thread also says “when do people notice?” and not “will people notice?”
5 years

When do people notice?

Don't worry about when people will notice because what they think doesn't matter.
Seems people these days have a hard time making their own minds up and feel they have to have other approval to do anything.
If you want to be 200+ then do it don't let what others think control your life.
Are you still living at home with your parents?
Sure sounds like it and at 20 you should be out on your own anyway.

I think you misunderstand my concern. I am not worried that people might be rude or hurt my feelings, I am worried that I will no longer be able to obtain my prescription appetite stimulants, which cannot be bought over the counter in my country, and that it could become more difficult to get as much food. As in, real material issues.

Money does not grow on trees, and it would be a bad financial decision to shell out cash for a dorm when my parents’ house is close to my college. College is very expensive, and I’d prefer to minimize the amount of years I spend paying off debt. It would be nice to be able to retire someday and not be stuck paying off student debt until the day of my death, so as great as it would be in the short term to go live in a dorm or apartment right now, I’m not planning to jeopardize my future financial security for a little fun. I’d rather live with my parents in my 20s than live on the street in my 70s.
5 years

When do people notice?

Wouldn't being 200 +negate the need for the appetite stimulant?
I worked all thru college and never took out a student loan, got a business degree several years later and paid for that too no loan taken out.
It can be done and I totally get saving money when possible.
I found an apartment was cheaper than a dorm plus less distractions from students that didn't care if they got an education or not and just there to party.
My parents offered to pay for college but I declined and wanted to do it on my own.
Good luck however you do it.
5 years

When do people notice?

what appetite stimulants are you using?
5 years

When do people notice?

what appetite stimulants are you using?

Periactin, it’s prescription only here but in some other countries you can buy it over the counter. It’s been pretty effective at boosting my appetite. Although it didn’t for me, it apparently also tends to make people more sedentary, so between those two things it can be an extremely effective weight gain pill. Personally I haven’t noticed any side effects aside from that since it’s an antihistamine it helps with my allergies, but there is a wider range of potential side effects someone might get in theory. I’ve tried other antihistamines before for dealing with the allergies, and none of the others have had an effect on my appetite. You can get it prescribed for appetite enhancement, migraines, or allergies.
5 years

When do people notice?

I wonder if you could get Periactin online? Ordering meds from Canada is a time-honored American tradition lol, and it looks like it's OTC there.

I'd be curious to hear more about it. I'm prescribed Remeron, which helps with the appetite loss and sweating I get from other meds, but not "able to eat three meals a day" or "not soaking wet every night" kind of helping, and anything more than the minimum dose makes me achy and depressed.
5 years

When do people notice?

I wonder if you could get Periactin online? Ordering meds from Canada is a time-honored American tradition lol, and it looks like it's OTC there.

I'd be curious to hear more about it. I'm prescribed Remeron, which helps with the appetite loss and sweating I get from other meds, but not "able to eat three meals a day" or "not soaking wet every night" kind of helping, and anything more than the minimum dose makes me achy and depressed.

I doubt Periactin would help at all with sweating, but I definitely think it would be helpful for appetite enhancement. I still can’t eat huge meals with it, but I can eat three normal sized meals, plus one or two small stuffings with easier to eat things like junk food or liquid. The one drawback of I have noticed is it lasts a short time so I have to take one every few hours, and it is hard to remember so I usually don’t take all 4 pills in a day like I am supposed to. These are the results I’ve gotten while having a lifelong low appetite, eating disorder, and other medicine that decreases appetite, so it’s not like I had a good appetite already.

If you do some digging online you can find reviews for it. Since it’s prescribed for things other than appetite, too, you can find both reviews from people who were trying to gain weight with it, and people who were taking it for a different reason and packed on the pounds anyway, which they’re usually pretty unhappy about.

It is OTC in Canada, but wouldn’t it be illegal to order it from there when it is prescription only in the US? I don’t want to get in trouble. If it wouldn’t cause any legal issues though it would definitely be an option for me.
5 years

When do people notice?

Oh, ordering meds from Canada is decidedly legal gray area, for sure, but my impression (not having ever done it, and not being at all a lawyer) is that it's not highly penalized or enforced if it's not, like, Drugs drugs. But it's definitely less legally dangerous than the other thing I use that happens to stimulate appetite, which is weed lol

I'll def have to look into it for myself. Having to take it four times a day, instead of one, would be a downside, though, especially since one of the other meds I'm on is for ADHD lol
5 years
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