Fat experiences

Love being fat but want to lose weight

My S/O who is also obese started bringing up losing weight. They’ve now lost 20 pounds since saying that, and I’ve put on nearly 20. They keep encouraging me but I can’t help but stuff my face when they aren’t around. Like filling my face and feeling my tummy stretch until I fall asleep and let all those calories build their way into more fat. They eat a lot but work out, it’s been working for them. I tried working out but I’m tired and lazy and like eating a lot. I want to lose weight because I’m so young and technically morbidly obese. Everyday I’m getting new stretch marks and my s/o doesn’t seem to mind much. But I want to be healthy for them, but again I love overeating and fattening myself. I like it a lot but I need to get healthy.
So conflicted. I know there is a bias on the site, but should I keep gaining for a few more years or start losing while I’m this low? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be 450pounds. I always said if I pushed 500lbs I’d just keep going there would be no going back. But I’m under and I’m afraid if I get to 450 it’ll be hard to go down and I’ll just keep gaining and gaining. I love my expanding waistline and my blubber that I’ve worked on from years of overeating but I need to be healthy.

I dont understand. do you want to loose weight for him or yrself? if a guy wanted you to b fat against yr will you would tell him to ***. well, it's the same thing
4 years

Love being fat but want to lose weight

Eat a balanced diet. Meat veggies fruit. Stay away from fried foods and dairy for a bit. Drink a lot of water. You do need to exercise. My mom is a nutritionist and works at an eating disorder clinic it’s a terrifying place to be. She was paranoid that my sister was going to be anorexic. So you can still eat just eat healthy. Follow your S/O diet. And go work out with them to support them. Yes lose now while you are young. It’s not worth the health issues later. Slowly replace soda with a healthy alternative. Replace French fries with potatoes( baked potatoes or those small ones people normally have with salmon). It will get harder the heavier and older you are. If you like eating you can graze I guess and drink water if you want to feel full. But I don’t know. Just for now switch to healthier diet and make sure you walk at least 5 miles everyday. If you want to stay healthy you have to take responsibility for it. I’m not saying you are going to drop dead randomly. I’m just saying maybe go get a check up at the doctor and honestly do what they say. They won’t force you to be skinny but they will tell you how to be healthy. Maybe see a nutritionist. I think you could just say “hey I like my body but I want to be healthier and not have issues later. How do I do that?” It’s their job. It’s not their job to fat shame you or force you to be skinny.

Also honestly it’s about strength. You can be fat and be in shape. Just again diet and exercise. Its being out of shape and not being strong that hurts you. And the unhealthy diet. Meaning things that are harmful to your cholesterol. You are getting tired because your diet is keeping you from having energy. Look I’m 5ft8 and I have an hourglass figure. 32E 27/28 inch waist and 38/39 inch hips. I think I weigh 135lbs. I do yoga I’m in good shape I tend to eat every two hours i don’t know why. If I eat junk food it makes me anxious and sick and then I just feel horrible.

My point is yeah I’m lucky in my body type and general tendencies. I only eat till Im not hungry. I only eat something if I like it. I don’t like being full because then I feel weighed down. If I’m depressed or anxious I won’t eat. So yeah. Just my goal is strength flexibility and general health. Meaning mental and physical.

You are probably sluggish because of what you put in your body. I love the fries from McDonald’s and I eat that when I wait too long to eat. It helps with the hunger but it doesn’t provide any nutritional value. So eat nutritious stuff. K idk if that helps. Talk to a doctor or just health care professional. Dont gain because someone tells you to on a website. Just be healthier. Again it’s your body, your life, your relationship. You have one body. Sry if I sound preachy.
4 years

Love being fat but want to lose weight

Uh it’s just not great for u. I mean I’m lactose intolerant and It makes me really sick for days. But it isn’t great for your arteries like cheese and stuff. Yogurt is fine. Again point is everything in moderation but if you are looking to be healthier I would do everything you can to accomplish that. And yeah every little bit helps. And yeah I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. Also everyone is different. Go see a nutritionist and or health care professional. Don’t look it up online. There is confusing information and seriously just trust the professionals. Do not use the internet. Go find a good doctor and check up on your health. Bones and joints suffer the more you weigh. That’s why I said doctor and nutritionist. They can’t force you to do things. They just want you to be healthy. If they body shame you then go to a different doctor. Do not destroy your joints and bones and muscles and heart and all that. It will be super painful if you do. And it also hurts the people who care about you. Such as your significant other, family, kids, friends, anyone who cares about you.
4 years

Love being fat but want to lose weight

Okay as I said not a doctor or anything. Going from personal experience. Everyone is different. Everyone is so different. But yeah regular checkups are important.
4 years

Love being fat but want to lose weight

Here is my two cents on the whole thing. This whole situation could be dealt with in one of two ways. One. If you feel that you really should be losing weight, you need to put yourself in the proper mental state to lose weight. Because trying to lose weight with the wrong mindset can be difficult, and will make it feel like you aren't doing anything. Two. From how you are wording this, plus everything that you have shared. You gain weight. Don't feel like you have to because your friends are doing it. One of the previous replies brought up a great point, not many people have the chance that you do to gain as far as you like. Don't worry about the classification of morbidly obese, only worry about if you feel happy or not. Because if you lose weight when you really enjoy gaining, that might take a serious toll on your mental state by the end of it all. Thoughts of what could have been or what you gave up can be overwhelming at times. So all in all, follow where your heart lies. I may not know you on a personal level, but looking through your profile and post, your heart lies in the second path. But that's just my perspective. I would love to have an open dialogue with you about this if you like. It's a difficult decision that you shouldn't have to make alone.
4 years