
Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

Not a ton of weight where he gets unheathly but do you think engaging in feederism is a sin?
4 years

Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

I don’t think it’s wrong, provided you are both well informed, consenting adults. It would be wrong if it were against his will, but if your boyfriend is on board with it then why would it be immoral? As long as it’s his choice and you respect his boundaries it’s perfectly fine.

...Or are you asking if it’s a “sin” in a religious sense? Depends on the religion, but from what I understand of religion is that if something is fun, it’s definitely a sin.
4 years

Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

I don’t think it’s wrong, provided you are both well informed, consenting adults. It would be wrong if it were against his will, but if your boyfriend is on board with it then why would it be immoral? As long as it’s his choice and you respect his boundaries it’s perfectly fine.

...Or are you asking if it’s a “sin” in a religious sense? Depends on the religion, but from what I understand of religion is that if something is fun, it’s definitely a sin.

Basically, yeah. Pretty much almost anything that's either fun or helps take the edge off of life to make it more tolerable.

But I'll admit there's sometimes good advice in some of these holy texts. It's just the cult stuff that often comes with it that I don't care for.
4 years

Do you think it would be a sin to have my boyfriend put on weight?

Not a ton of weight where he gets unheathly but do you think engaging in feederism is a sin?

Nowadays, I don't really think so.

One of the classic sins is "gluttony." But in the context of eating, that's if you're keeping food away from someone else because of your eating. In this day and age, that doesn't really apply. If someone isn't able to get food, it's normally because of some other factor besides food shortages.

Normally, if someone is unable to get enough food, it's the result of unrestrained laissez-faire capitalism, increasing income equality, and insufficient SNAP program benefits. Stores don't typically run out of food.

Anyway, there's no point in worrying about it.

I also noticed that you, the OP is gay. Religion typically frowns on homosexuality, but you don't let that stop you, and it certainly doesn't make you a bad person.

Being into feederism doesn't make you a bad person, either.
4 years