
Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese?

Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese? Don't get me wrong, when a guy puts on some weight it is the sexiest thing ever but, I begin to lose attraction until the guy gets super bug. Once they begin to get super fat my attraction goes away and I actually get kinda disgusted. I really only like until they are chubby. Anyone else like this?
4 years

Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese?

Definitely not into morbidly obese. I enjoy admiring them from afar. And there are some models that still look amazing – but they have the face and genetics to look hot at ANY weight.

We still try to have a some what active lifestyle. And my wife already deals with getting out of breath, back and foot pain that can hamper us on trips with lots of walking. I can't imagine the everyday annoyances and constraints of being married with someone morbidly obese.
4 years

Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese?

I'd say it's just down to preference. Some just like bigger people than you.
What I want to comment on is the health and "feminine-ness" of people over 200lbs...
A girl being 400lbs doesn't make her any less feminine than me or any other smaller girl. They are still beautiful, just maybe not to you.
Being healthy is not a prerequisite. People deal with different health issues all the time that may not even have to do with their weight, but is blamed on their size because they're fat. There are also people who deal with life-long illnesses that can't be cured and no amount of willpower or effort will stop them from being unhealthy. So, "only gaining weight healthily" may not ever be an option for some.
Just some context to consider.
4 years

Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese?

Well said, Sadie!
4 years

Anyone else not attracted to feeding someone into morbidly obese?

In a fantasy world it would be fun to let myself give in to the ultimate feedee desires to eat and screw all day and night. Key word here is fantasy.

Here in the real world where I have responsibilities it would never be a possibility. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop gaining yet. As long as my joints don't complain too much and I can still go for walks and take care of my family. I am a very healthy and active 300lb fatty. Let's see what happens at 350.

And it all depends on how she carries it. I know women who stopped being attractive to me at 250ish, and some who are 600 or more and are still drop dead gorgeous. I'm all about proportions. If suddenly I stopped gaining evenly and only my belly got bigger i'd be done gaining.
4 years