
Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

Most of the time, when folks talk about setting weight gain goals, they're usually just the number on the scale.

I wonder if anyone sets goals besides just a number on the scale, and if so, what they are? Here are some examples.

- 40" waist or more (this is the average waist measurement of the American male)
- At least 24", or two feet around as thigh circumference.
- 44" ass, or more.
- Or fitting into larger clothing sizes.

I think you get the idea.

Other goals could include appetite milestones. For example, being able to eat an entire large pizza in one sitting when previously, you couldn't. Or eating two large triple burgers from Whataburger in one sitting (they're pretty big, much bigger than a Double Quarter Pounder from McD's), when previously you couldn't.

Or being able to suck down an entire quart of cream without getting sick, when before you couldn't.

These are just examples. What are yours?
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I want to be able to eat a dozen donuts without getting sick.. Also have the goal of breaking a chair.
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I'm still pretty skinny so my goals are to reach a BMI of 23 (overweight for Asians), lose my abs, and have fat hang over my pants when standing up.

I'm also waiting for my girlfriend to comment on my gain. I've put on 10 pounds since we started dating but she hasn't said a thing.
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I think these goals are kind of more important than the number, seeing as though the same weight can be different for everyone depending on height, genetics etc.

For me I have targets like having my belly hang low enough that it completely hides my groin area, and when I did have a partner, having moobs bigger than her breasts to just show how extremely fat I've gotten. I guess the goal still applies, hopefully for the future!

Either way, I think most of my goals are around things like that rather than specific weight - the number is just something to show I'm progressing.
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I have a few goals that have more to do with my actual fat than any number on scale or tape measure. Met a couple of them this past year, first was a bathroom countertop my belly had been hovering over for years. Most recent was a ledge at my house, belly just started brushing that. Next goal is less than an inch more hang to do the same to my kitchen table. A couple inches to go for low railing of my front steps. Various items like markers, lotion bottles, pack of smokes, hair spray, eventually a can or bottle of soda... Started out with just pens and pencils being able to stick under there in junior high.

Most revolve around my belly, like being able to reach the underside, or touch my bellybutton. It now brushes. my thighs when standing but has yet to impede my walking. One of my loftier goals is for my belly to encroach on my knees.
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I used to be anorexic so my end goal is to have my thighs be the size my waist was at my smallest. So, 29" thighs is my end goal.

I'm at 24" now so, only 5" to go!
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I want 50% of my belly covered in stretch marks
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

So fat that when I sit down my belly pushes my legs apart and sits on top of whatever I’m sitting on

Getting to the point where I can’t masturbante unassisted is also hot, like it shows you’ve become such a glutton for food that you have started to get to your point where your body is unable to have sex anymore, because you just find food to be too pleasurable and sex just falls by the wayside
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

- control the steering wheel with my belly. (At least 30 lb more needed)
That sounds like it could be dangerous lol
"I'm sorry officer, I wasn't driving, my belly was."
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

Though I'm around 320-325 now, I haven't yet popped a button or ripped seams. I'd like to do that.

I've also fantasized about getting so fat that I can no longer reach the front of my belly. Then getting even fatter such that my belly rests on the floor when I'm sitting in a chair.
4 years
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