There were a couple in the mid 2000s. Virtual Feeder by Kronoman came with a set of half a dozen female celebs (just a set of still photos) that you could feed and make grow fat (up to about 450lbs), but you had to make sure not to make them ill in the process. The neatest part of it was you could create your own celeb files to play with if you had a set of morphs of them. Rather simple, but quite fun. It's still available to download from his Deviant-Art page here
Another faves from the same era was Feed Deanna, a flash game where as part of an 'experiment' you feed a college student who gains 35lbs with each piece of fattening food you send her way - but you need to avoid sending her the healthy food, as that will take 35 off again! Each level ends when she reaches 470lbs, then she resets to 120lbs for the next - but insists that you increase the speed of the machine that's producing the food each time! By the end of the fifth and final level it's genuinely quite challenging to get the right kind of food to her, but worth it by the end when she decides to stay fat permanently. I still have it, but can't find it anywhere online to link to!