
Psych meds

Has anybody gained weight from psych meds? My dr just prescribed something for my mood but warned it could lead to weight gain and appetite increases. He said I would likely gain 40-80 lbs in a short period of time. I am excited to start the med tonight.

That happened to me and the psychiatrist immediately took me off the med! Risperdal. I'm on seroquel and rexulti now to replace it. Antipsychotics WILL do that.
4 years

Psych meds

Must be tough being psychotic.
4 years

Psych meds

Must be tough being psychotic.

I deal with it pretty well! I'm usually healthy, save for flare ups.
4 years

Psych meds

Glad to hear that Orion.
I took anti seizure meds for a while but I was already gaining weight at that time so I didn't notice.
Never been diagnosed as psychotic or depressed tho'.
That must be awful to have a Dr thinks you are off your nut.
4 years

Psych meds

Has anybody gained weight from psych meds? My dr just prescribed something for my mood but warned it could lead to weight gain and appetite increases. He said I would likely gain 40-80 lbs in a short period of time. I am excited to start the med tonight.

Since you are 135 now and want to reach 200,you should be quite happy. I bet you will be a total cutie at 205.
4 years

Psych meds

My ADHD meds have weight loss as one of their usual side effects, but by pairing them with an appetite stimulant, they’ve actually helped me gain by allowing me to focus on eating when I sit down for a meal and not get distracted doing other things. I used to always get distracted after only eating a few bites even if I was hungry, and then by the time I remembered I had food an hour or two later, it was cold and gross and inedible. Now, I can eat my whole meal, or at least most of it.

I haven’t used anti-depressants myself because I do not have depression, but I’ve never seen a discussion about them in which at least one person didn’t chime in to complain about having become fat because of the medicine.
4 years

Psych meds

This totally depends on the med, the dose, and you. It's not always predictable who or how much weight someone may or may not gain.

Source: am an MD
4 years

Psych meds

That happened to me and the psychiatrist immediately took me off the med! Risperdal. I'm on seroquel and rexulti now to replace it. Antipsychotics WILL do that.[/quote]

I'm starting rexulti tonight. have been exercising hard but just managed to maintain my weight. dont think i stand a chance of staying below 300 starting at 280. feeling normal and having a nice round belly. im excited. not having a say in the weight gain is also a bit of a relief
4 years

Psych meds

I gained 44 pounds on Remeron in a year. It was prescribed on insomnia, slight debression. I was taking it on 15mg - 22.5mg dosage at evening.

I think most of my gain went into my belly.

It increased my appetite greatly, helped me sleep and weight gain was really distinct side effect.

I stopped taking it because it made me feel tired, slow functioning.

After stopping taking the Remeron my appetite got back to normal and I started losing weight.
4 years

Psych meds

If you like to be lazy, eating machine and spend your day on tired non function state. I mean just laying around with huge hunger feeling, tired and without care I can recommend Remeron.

Also it will help with the weight gain. It lowers metabolism, increases appetite and make you feel numb.

That was my experience on trying that.

I think marihuana has same kind of effect. Never tried marihuana before.
4 years
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