Fattening others

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

From my anecdotal experience, being a feeder is something that often "wakes" inside you after your partner starts to gain weight. I think it's rare to have had those feelings when you were a child. Of course many members here have had that experience.

But I think a lot of men simply have a wife that balloons during pregnancy or after marriage, and they realize that they actually like it. And take it from there.
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

My bf and I met on one of these sites and we've been together for nearly 2.5 years. It's not always impossible to find people to form a solid relationship or even just friendship with. Just communicate that you want that and the fetish comes second and you'll be fine *shrugs*
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

hi. new here
for me personally, i want to meet someone who is into being a feeder. but instead of asking straight up "hey, howd you feel if i ballooned to 200lb?"
what are subtle signs someone is into making a girl fat?

Most people who are even subconsciously into feeding will be encouragers. They’ll what you to eat. Always a good idea to look for someone who likes cooking.

If your already dating if they like to grab or touch your middle during sex. My ex realised I liked her gaining because I would always grab her love and less during sex.

On top of all that if your start gaining and they like it you can usually tell. They will want you more and be more physical.
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

Here are some I can think of:

- One of the first things they ask is about your favorite foods/restaurants
- They cook a lot of food
- They frequently ask if you want seconds
- They frequently bring/cook/bake your favorite foods
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

Do they say that they have an "inner fat" person?

Do they enjoy food to the point it is sexual in nature?

Do they ask you if you've dated fat people before?

Do they have mixed (therefore unsettled feelings) about fat people?

Do they always want to cook something for you, and encourage you to "finish your plate"?

Do they playfully tease you if you've put on a few? (and they play with it)

Do they tend to gain weight in a relationship?

Do their past SO gain weight in a relationship?

The list goes on
4 years

Subtle hints that someone is into this lifestyle?

With the exception of girls who started off as feedees and become dates I have never had ‘the talk with a girl I’m dating’

I always joke early on that I am bad for the figure of the person I’m dating because I love cooking and love to spoil my girlfriends.

I have found ever woman I have ever dated after trying my food will say something like ‘oh man I think your going to make me fat’ and I will smile and say ‘I’d rather a happy fat girlfriend than a miserable skinny one’
Or something like
‘That’s alights, the food is worth it.’
I am always very clear that my cooking is fattening and I am always very encouraging for them to eat but transparent that it will make them fat.
Never had a girlfriend not get fat, never had a girlfriend who cared once they get passed the initial resistance of ‘what if I am unattractive’

I suppose my point is if they are into the lifestyle they will make it clear. A feeder will be all about food from the moment you start dating.
My last serious girlfriend and I got together because she react to a post I put up on social media saying ‘I love a girl that can eat, nothing sexier’
Now if you want them to stuff you, a conversation will probably have to happen.

Also my second point is more people are feedees and even feeders than realise it.
3 years